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The start of a new learning experience Old English English a - ever abbod - abbot abeodan - announce abitan - devour ablendan - blind abugan - submit, turn, bend ac - and, oak, but acennan - bring forth, bear a child, give birth acolian - grow cold acwellan - kill acwencan - extinguish adrincan - be drowned æ - law æcer - field æðeling - prince æfen - evening æfenglomung - twilight æfre - always æfter - after, according to æg - egg ægg - egg æghwælc - each ægþer - either, both ægþer ge .... ge - both .... and æht - property ælc - each, every ælce geare - every year ælmihtig - almighty æmette - ant æmettig - empty ænig - any ær - before, formerly ær þæm þe - before ærcebiscop - srchbishop ærende - errand ærest - first ærist - resurrection ærnemergen - early morning æs - bait æsc - ash tree æt - food, from, at ætberstan - escape ætbregdan - take away æteowian - show ætforan - in front of ætgædre - together æþele - noble æþeling - prince ætlicgan - lie idle ætren - poisonous ætsamne - together ætwindan - escape ætwitan - reproach æwfest - pious afaran - go away afeallan - fall down aflieman - put to flight afylan - defile afyllan - to fill up afyrht - frightened agan - own, to possess, happen agen - own agiefan - give up agifan - render, give ahebban - raise, wage war, lift up ahieldan - incline ahreosan - fall ahrissan - shake off ahwær - anywhere ahyrian - hire alecgan - lay down aliesan - release aliesend - redeemer an - alone, the same, one anbidian - wa'rt ancenned - only begotten and - and andgytfull - sensible andswarian - know andswaru - answer andweorc - material andwlita - face Angelþeod - the people of England anra gehwelc - everyone ar - copper aræran - raise up arian - pardon, spare, honour arisan - arise arodlice - quickly arwearð - honourable aspryttan - bring forth astreccan - stretch out aþ - oath awiergan - damn, curse awiht - anything awritan - write down, write, compose bad - waited bæcere - baker bæmett - buming ban - bone bana - killer bannan - summon bar - wildboar bat - boat, bit be - near, through, on, by, about be þam þe - as beadu - battle beag - ring beald - bold bearn - child bebead - command bebeodan - order bec - books bed - bed bedreosan - deprive of befæstan - entrust begen - both behofian - require ben - prayer benn - wound beo - bee beod - table beodan - offer beon - be beor - beer beorgan - protect beorht - bright beorscipe - feast beotlic - arrogant beow - barley bepaecan - deceive beran - bear berende - fruitful bern - barn berstan - burst beseon - look beswican - deceive, ensnare bidan - wait biddan - ask for, pray biden - waited bidon - waited bieldu - arrogance bigang - worship bileofa - food bindan - bind biscop - bishop bitan - bite biten - bitten biton - bit bitt - bites, waits blawan - blow bliðe - happy bliðost - happiest bliðra - happier bliss - joy bliþelice - gladly blod - blood boc - book bod - command bodian - announce bot - advantage brad - broad breadru - bread crumbs bregdan - pull bremel - bramble breotan - break breowan - brew Breten - Britain Bretwealh - Briton bridd - young bird brim - sea broc - breeches broðor - brother broþor - brother brucan - enjoy brycg - bridge bryd - bride buend - dweller bugan - bow burg - walled town, fortress butan - without, unless bycgan - buy byldan - embolden byre - youthson byrgen - grave byrne - coat of mail cealf - calf cearu - grief ceaster - city ceasterware - city dwellers cene - bold cenost - boldest cenra - bolder ceorfan - cut ceosan - choose ciele - cold, chill ciepend - seller cierm - shouting cierr - turn cild - child cirice - church clæg - clay clawan - claw clawu - claw cleaofa - cellar clipian - speak, summon, call out clud - rock clummian - murmur cnæpp - summit, top cnawan - know cneord - eager cneow - knee cniht - youth cnoll - top, summit creopan - creep Crist - Christ cu - cow culter - coulter cuman - come cwalu - killing cwen - woman cweorn - mill cweþan - speak, say cwic - alive cwide - word, saying, speech cyððu - native land cyme - arrival, coming cyning - king cynn - race cyre - choice cyssan - kiss dæd - action, deed dæg - day daegraed - dawn dæl - part deaw - dew delfan - dig deman - judge deofol - devil deop - deep deorwierþe - valuable derian - harm dohtor - daugther dom - judgement don - do draf - drove drenc - drink drieman - rejoice drifan - drive drifen - driven drifon - drove drifþ - drives drincan - drink dryhten - lord duguð - valour dun - hill, mountain durran - dare duru - door ea - river eac - also eac swelce - likewise also eadig - blessed eaðmod - humble eage - eye eahta - eight eahtoþa - eighth ealdor - parent, leader, elder, chief eall - all, every ealles - entirely eallunga - entirely ealu - ale eard - native land eare - ear earm - poor earmost - poorest earmra - poorer earnian - deserve earnung - merit eart - art, are eaxl - shoulder ecg - edge eft - again ege - fear, terror egeslic - awful egeslice - terribly ehtan - chase elles - otherwise elpendban - ivory ende - end engel - angel englum gelice - like angels ent - giant eoh - horse eom - am eow - to you (pl.), you eower - of you, your eower nan - none of you erian - plough esne - man eþel - native land ever - a fæder - father fæðer - father fæhðu - feud fær - journey færlice - suddenly fæsten - stronghold fæstlice - firmly fætels - pouch fætt - rich, fat fandian - test faran - go fea - joy, few fedan - feed fela - many feld - field fell - skin feng - grasp feoh - property feohtan - fight feond - foe, enemy feondraeden - enmity feorh - life feorm - food feormian - to clean feorþa - fourth feower - four feowertig - forty ferian - carry fet - feet fiðere - wing fif - five fifta - fifth fiftig - fifty findan - find firen - violence fla - arrow flæscmete - flesh flasce - flask fleogan - fly fleon - avoid, flee from fleotan - float flet - floor flor - floor folc - people fon - seize, catch for - before, on behalf of, in front of for þæm - because for þam þe - because for þon - because forbeodan - forbid ford - ford foresceawian - foresee, províde, preordain forgiefan - to give forhtmod - timorous forlidennes - shipwreck forma - first forswelgen - devour forswiþe - very greatly forþolian - do without forþon - because forwel - very wellgemægþ ambitious fot - foot frætwe - ornaments fram - from frecennes - danger fremman - accomplish, perform freo - free freond - friend freondscipe - friendship frignan - ask frofor - comfort fruma - beginning fugol - bird ful - corrupt full - full fultumiend - helper furh - furrow furþum - even fus - eager fylgan - follow fyllan - fill fyrd - levy fysan - impel gad - goad gan - go ge - ye, and, you geagnian - appropriate geap - deceitful gearcian - prepare gearo - ready gearora - more ready, readier gearu - ready gearwe - well gearwost - most ready, readiest geat - gate geatwe - armour geatweard - gatekeeper gebiddan - to pray gecierde - returned gecyþnes - testament gedafenian - befit gedeorf - toil gedyrstig - bold, daring geeacnung - chidbearing gefea - joy gefeon - rejoice gefera - companion geferscipe - company gehaeftan - catch gehæp - suitable gehealdan - maintain gehieran - obey, hear, listen to gehiersumnes - obedience gehwierfan - turn gelæred - learned geleafa - faith, belief gelic - similar gelice - similarly gelimpan - happen gemære - boundary gemanigfealden - multiply gemundbyrdan - protect gemynd - thought, purpose, memory gemynde - mindful gemyndewyrþe - worthy of mention, worth reme geoffrian - offer up geogoþ - youth geong - young georn - eager geornfulnes - zeal gerædu - trappings, harness gerecednes - narrative gerisenlice - honourably ges - geese gesælðu - prosperity gesceadwisnes - reason gesihð - presence, sight, vision gestillan - cease gestrangian - strengthen gestreon - wealth gesund - unharmed gesweotolian - reveal, show geswinc - hardship, toil geþeodan - translate geþeon - thrive, do getreowan - trust getriewe - faithful gewealden - rule, control gewitan - depart, go gewrit - letter, book gewyrht - deed gied - song giefu - gift gieldan - pay giest - guest gif - if giferness - greed gifre - greedy gift - marriage gimm - gem git - you two gladost - gladdest glæd - glad glædra - gladder glof - glove gnidan - rub god - goodness, good, good thing god to etanne - good to eat God wat soðlice - God knows truly godnes - goodness, virtue godness - goodness gos - goose gram - fierce, angry gretan - greet, speak to grindan - grind gripe - grasp gryre - terror guma - man habban - have hacod - pike hæle - hero hælend - healer, Saviour hærest - autumn haes - behest, command hafoc - hawk hal - whole halig - holy ham - home has - hoarse hatan - command he - he he oncneowon - they realized heafod - head heah - high healdan - hold healf - half heall - hall heard - hard heardost - hardest heardra - harder hearpung - harping heawan - cut hebban - raise hedærn - storeroom hege - hedge hell - hell helpan - help hengest - horse heo - she heofon - heaven heofung - lamentation heorte - heart here - raiding party, army hergung - ravaging herian - extol hi - them, they hie - they, them hieg - hay hierra - higher him - to it, to them, to him hine - him hira - of them hire - to her, of her, her hire þuhte - it seemed to her his - his, of it hit - it hlæst - load hlaf - loaf, bread hleapan - leap hleo - protection hnægan - neigh hneaw - mean hnutu - nut hoh - heel hon - hang hond - hand hraðe - quickly hream - shouting hreaw - raw hreosan - fall hreow - penitence hreowan - rue, grieve hrepian - touch hrinan - touch hu - how hwa - who, anyone, someone hwæðer - either, whether, which of two hwæm - to what, to whom hwæs - whose, of what hwæt - what hwæte - wheat hwanon - whence hweol - wheel hwider - to where hwil - space hwistlung - whistling hwone - anyone, whom, someone (acc) hyge - mind hyrde - shepherd hyse - young man ic - I ic getreowige on - trust in, I have faith in ic neom - I am not ic nyle - I don´t want to ic ondred me - I was afraid ides - woman ielde - people iemiðu - misery ierþling - ploughman, farmer in - in inc - you two (acc), to you two incer - your, of you two is - is lac - offering læccan - catch læran - guide, teach laes - pasture læssa - smaller, less lætan - let laf - remainder land - land lang - long lange - long lar - teaching lareow - teacher lean - reproach, loan, reward leaxas - salmon lencten - spring lengra - longer leode - people leof - sire, beloved, dear leofost - dearest leofra - dearer leoht - light leorningcniht - student, disciple leornung - learning leosan - lose libban - live lim - limb loc - enclosure lomb - lamb loppestre - lobster lucan - lock lufian - love lufu - love lus - louse lust - desire, pleasure lustbaere - pleasant, desirable lutan - bow lutian - lurk, skulk lyft - air lyge - lie lytel - little lytling - child ma - more mæd - meadow mægð - maid mægþ - tribe, maiden, girl, province mære - great, famous mæssepreost - clergyman, mass priest mæstling - brass man - wickedness mangere - merchant mann - man me - to me, me me is leofre - i prefer mearc - boundary mearh - horse meodu - mead mere - lake mete - foodfood micle - much mid - with miht - power min - of me, my missenlic - various miþan - hide mod - mind, heart modor - mother mon - one monað - month mor - moor most - you may moste - might mot - may moton - may munuc - monk murnan - mourn mus - mouse mynet - coin myntere - minter mys - mice nædre - snake naedre - serpent nænig - none, no ne - not, no ne beo ge nateshwon deade - you will not die at all nearora - nearer nearu - narrow nearwost - nearest neorxenawang - paradise neotan - use nerian - save nicor - monster niedbehefe - necessary nieten - beast, creature nigon - nine nigoþa - ninth niht - night niman - take niwan - recently, of late, newly nosu - nose nyd - necessity nyllan - be unwilling nyten - animal oð þæt - until oððe...oððe - either...or of - away, out of, from oflyst - entranced by ofslean - slay ofsniðan - slaughter on - on ond - and, but onfon - take, get, receive ongean - against, back, towards, again onginnan - begin onhyrian - imitate onscunian - shun, hate open - open oreald - very old orsorg - not worried, unconcerned oþer - one of two, something else, s oþstandan - stand still oxa - ox pæll - silk garment plegian - play pleoh - danger ra - roebuck rædan - discuss, advise, read, rule reccan - rule reced - house rewett - rowing rice - powerful, kingdom ricost - most powerful ricra - more powerful ricsian - rule ridend - ridder rihtwisnes - righteousness ripan - reap ripere - reaper risan - rise rod - cross run - secret rynet - space sacan - quarrel sames - pain samod - too sandceosol - grain of sand sar - grievous sarlic - grievous sarlice - grievously sawol - soul sceadu - shadow sceal/scealt/sculon - be obliged to sceap - sheep scear - ploughshare scearp - sharp sceawian - observe, look at sceoh - shoe sceotan - shoot scinan - shine scip - ship scir - shire scowyrtha - shoemaker scrincan - shrink scrud - garment, clothing scufan - push scyld - sin, guilt, shield se - the, that sealtere - salt-maker searu - device Seaxe - Saxons secgan - say, tell secgan on - accuse of segen - conversation, story, speach seldcuð - rare seldcuþ - rare selest - best sellan - to give selra - better sendan - throw, despatch, send seo - that (nom.s.fem.), the seofon - seven seofoþa - seventh seoloc - silk seon - see seoþan - boil, seethe sibb - kinship sidu - custom sie - is, am, are sien - are sierwan - to contrive, plot siex - six siexta - sixth sige - victory sind - are sindon - are sittan - sit siwian - to sew slæpan - sleep slean - strike slege - blow slitan - tear smeagan - reflect, think, examine smean - think smeocan - smoke smeoru - fat snican - creep sniþan - cut sona - at once, immediately sorg - sorrow soþ - truth spannan - span spell - message, news, history, story spere - spear sprecan - speak springan - spring spyrte - basket stafas - writing, letters, literature stan - stone standan - stand stede - place stefn - voice stenc - smell steort - tale stigan - ascend stow - site, place, spot strang - strong strea - straw strengþu - strength stride - stride styria - sturgeon sulh - plough sumor - summer sunu - son swa - so, in this way, this, so far swa þæt - so that swæcc - taste swæþ - track swat - sweat swelc - such swelce - likewise sweltan - to die sweora - neck sweord - sword sweostor - sister sweotol - clear swerian - swear swican - deceive swicdom - treachery swice - smell swicol - treacherous swiðe - very much swimman - swim swincan - toil swingan - beat swiþ - mighty swiþost - most, especially swyðe - very much sylf - self ta - toe tacen - sign talu - tale temman - tame teon - draw teona - injury teoru - tar teoþa - tenth þa - the, when, then, those (acc.s þæm - to those, to the, to that þæra - of the, of those þæs - because, therefore, of the, o þæt - so that, that þancian - thank þanon - thence þas - this, these (fem.acc.s. nom.a þe - than, which, that, who, when þeah - though þeah þe - although þearf - need þearle - greatly, severely þeaw - custom þeod - nation, people þeodland - inhabited land, country þeos - this (fem.nom) þeow - servant þes - this þicgan - receive þider - whither þin - of you, thine, your þis - this (neuter nom.acc.) þisne - this (acc.s.masc.) þissa - of these þisse - to this(fem), of this (fem) þisses - of this (neuter, masc.) þissum - to t, to this (neuter, masc.) þolian - suffer þonanweard - on the way thence þone - the, that (acc.s. masc.) þonne .... þonne - when .... then þrean - afflict þridda - third þrie - three þritig - thirty þrowung - suffering þu - you þu wære - you were þurh - through, by þusend - thousand þwang - thong þy - therefore þy ilcan dæge - on the same day þy læs þe - lest þy...þy - the...the (with comaparative) þystro - darkness tid - hour, time tien - ten til - good to - to to þam þæt - to the end that to þi ... þæt - to this end... that tobrytan - crush tol - tool tredan - tread treow - faithtree treowan - be confident, believe triewan - trust trum - firm trumian - grow strong tunge - tongue tungol - star tuwa - twice twegen - two twentig - twenty tweo - doubt tweon - doubt ultor - vulture unc - us two. to us two uncer - of us two, our underbaec - behind uneaþe - with difficulty ungemetlice - immensely ungesælig - unhappy unstille - moving unwærlice - unawares ure - ours, our us - to us, us veofod - altar waedbraec - breeches wæg - wall wæpen - weapon wære - you were (s.) wæron - were wærscipe - prudence wæs - was waestme - result, fruit wast/witon - know wat - know/knows we - we wea - woe weald - forest wealdan - rule wealh - foreigner weall - wall wedd - pledge welig - rich welwillendnes - benevolence wen - expectation weorðan - become weorpan - throw wepan - weep wer - man werod - troop wesan - be wesende - being westen - desert wic - camp wicing - pirate wicu - week wide - widely wifmann - woman willan - be willing wilnian - desire win - wine windan - wind wine - friend winnan - fight winter - winter wisian - show wissung - guidance wiste/wisten - knew wiste/wistest/wiston - knew wit - we two wite - knows, know, punishment witen - know witende - knowing witnian - lament wlætta - nauseating substance wlite - beauty wlitig - beautiful wod - mad woruld - world wrecan - avenge wringan - wring writan - write, pass on in writing writere - writer wudu - wood wuldor - glory wulf - wolf wundur - wonder wunian - dwell wunung - dwelling wuton - let us wynn - joy wyrd - fate wyrm - worm wyrt - herb, vegetable, plant wyrtgemang - mixture of spice and herbs yfel - evil yfelnes - wickedness ylde - men ylfe - elves ymb - about a - ever abacan - bake abædan - compel, take a toll abæran - disclose abannan - summon, convoke abarian - disclose abbod - abbot abbodesse - abbess abbodrice - abbacy abbudisse - abbess abeat - beat, strike abeatan - beat, strike abecede - alphabet abelgan - anger, offend, irritate abeodan - announce, command, call out abeornan - take fire aberan - endure, suffer, remove aberendlic - bearable aberstan - burst out abidan - wait for, await, remain alive abiddan - demand, pray for, request abies - silver fir tree abifian - tremble abisgian - occupy, employ abisgung - occupation abitan - devour ablacian - become pale ablæcan - bleach ablæcnes - pallor ablæst - inspired ablendan - blind, put out the eyes of ablered - bald, bare ablican - shine, glitter ablindan - make blind ablindian - become blind ablinnan - cease, leve off, desist aborgian - borrow abrecan - take by storm abredwian - kill, fell, lay low abregdan - draw abreotan - destroy, kill abreoþan - fail, decaay, deteriorate abugan - bend, turn, submit abuton - round about ac - but, and, oak acennan - bear a child, give birth, bring forth acennednyss - birth aceorfan - cut off acerran - turn acigan - call, summon acolian - grow cold acræftan - plan, devise acweccan - shake acwelan - die, perish acwellan - kill acwencan - extinguish, quench acweþan - speak acwincan - vanish acwylman - kill ad - pyre að - oath adilegian - destroy adl - disease adlian - be diseased adlig - sick adon - put, take away, expel adræfan - drive out, expel adreogan - pass, spend adrifan - expel, drive off adrincan - be drowned aðum - son in law, brother in law adwæscan - quench, extinguish æ - law æbere - open, notorious æcer - field æcyrf - fragment, wood chips æðele - noble, excellent, famous æðeling - prince æðelu - nobility, descent, family æðm - breat, breathing ædre - quickly, forthwith æfæst - pious æfæstness - religion æfen - evening æfenglomung - twilight æfengrom - fierce at evening æfenleoht - evening light æfenn - evening æfenræst - evening rest æfenspræc - evening talk æfentid - evening time æfnan - perform, carry out, do æfnung - evening æfre - always æftan - from behind æfter - after, according to æfter ðy - later æfterfylgend - successor æftergenga - successor æfþonca - grudge æfþunca - source of offence æftra - later æg - egg æghwa - each æghwæðer - either, both, every one æghwælc - each æghwær - everywhere æghwæs - in every respect æghweder - in all directions æghwilc - each, every, any, whoseoever ægift - repayment æglæca - wretch, monster, demon ægþer - either, both ægþer ge .... ge - both .... and ægweard - shore watch ægylde - unpaid for, getting no wergild æht - property, possessions ælc - each, every ælce geare - every year æled - fire æledleoma - firebrand ælfremed - foreign, strange ælic - legal, pertaining to the law ælmesgeorn - charitable ælmesgifu - charity ælmesriht - duty to give charity ælmesse - alms ælmihtig - almighty ælwiht - monster æmenne - deserted æmetta - leisure æmette - ant æmettig - empty æminde - forgetfulness æmtig - empty æne - once ænig - any ænlic - excellent æppel - apple æppelfealu - bay coloured ær - formerly, before, early ær þæm þe - before ær þam - previously ær þon - until ær þon þe - before ærcebiscop - srchbishop ærdæg - early dawn ærende - errand ærendgewrit - letter ærendraca - messenger ærest - first ærfæder - forefather ærgestreon - ancient treasure ærgeweorc - ancient work ærgod - ancient good ærist - resurrection ærn - dwellin, house, building ærnan - gallop ærnemergen - early morning æror - earlier, former ærra - former ærur - formerly ærwela - ancient wealth æs - bait, food, carrion æsc - ash tree, axe æschere - Viking army æscholt - spear of ash-wood æscwiga - warrior æstel - book marker æswic - offence æt - at, from, food æt niehstan - at last ætberan - carry ætberstan - escape ætbregdan - take away, withdraw æteowian - show ætfeallan - fall, fall out ætferian - carry away ætforan - in front of ætgædere - together ætgædre - together ætgifan - give ætgræpe - seizing æþelboren - noble born æþele - noble, excellent æþeling - prince æþelo - noble origin æþelu - nobility, family, descent æthleapan - escape, run away æþryt - tedious ætlicgan - lie idle ætreccan - deprive of ætren - poisonous ætrihte - almost, near ætsacan - deny ætsamne - together ætsomne - together ætspyrning - offence ætstandan - remain ættren - poisonous ætwindan - escape ætwitan - reproach ætywan - display æwan - despise æwbreca - adulterer æwbryce - adultery æwerdla - damage æwfest - pious æwielm - fountain æx - axe afaran - go away afeallan - fall down, fall, decay afedan - feed, bring up, nourish afierran - remove afirran - remove, deprive of aflieman - put to flight afligan - put to flight afor - fierce afremþung - alienation after ðæm - after, later afyhrtan - frighten afylan - defile afyllan - to fill up, fell afyrht - frightened afysan - drive away, impel ag - have agalan - chant, sound agan - happen, to possess, own, must, have, go, pass agan hira feonda gatu - possess the gate of his enemies agen - own, property agend - owner, master agendfrea - owner, lord ageotan - pour out agiefan - give up, give, give back agifan - give, render aglæca - monster aglæcwif - monstrous woman agon - have agyldan - pay ah - have, has aheawan - cut down ahebban - raise, lift up, wage war ahieldan - incline ahleapan - leap up ahluttrian - make pure ahon - hang ahreddan - rescue, save ahreosan - fall ahrissan - shake off ahte - had ahtes - had ahton - had ahwær - anywhere ahwar - anywhere ahwerfan - turn away ahyrdan - harden ahyrian - hire alædan - bring away alætan - relinquish alan - grow aldorlice - chiefly alecgan - lay down, suppress aleogan - deny alesniss - redmption alicgan - fail aliefan - allow aliesan - release, redeem aliesend - redeemer alyfan - allow amber - measure ambyre - favourable amerian - purify ametan - mete out, bestow amyrran - mar, injure an - the same, alone, one anbidian - wait, stay ancenned - only begotten ancra - hermit, monk and - and anda - malice, injury andbidian - wait andefn - proportion andfenga - receiver, defender andgiet - meaning, understanding andgit - understanding, semse, meaning andgitfullice - intelligibly andgytfull - sensible andlean - retribution andlyfen - sustenance andsaca - apostate andswarian - know andswaru - answer andweard - present, opposite andweorc - material andwlita - face, forehead andwyrdan - answer anett - solitude anfealdnes - unity, concord anforlætan - abandon anga - only, stimulus, goad, solitary Angelþeod - the people of England angenga - solitary, isolated anginn - beginning angsumlice - painfully angsumnyss - pain anhaga - recluse anhydig - resoute, firm, constant aninga - at once anlipig - single, individual anmod - resolute ann - grant anpæþ - narrow path anra gehwelc - everyone anræd - resolute anstapa - lonely wanderer ansund - whole, undamaged, sound ansundran - severally Antecrist - Antichrist anþracian - fear anum - alone anunga - at once, immediately, by all means anwealda - ruler, god anwedd - pledge, security anwig - duel anwille - obstinate anwillice - obstinately anwilnes - self will, obstinacy anwloh - fruitful apæcan - seduce apinsian - weigh, ponder apostata - apostate apostol - apostle appel - apple apulder - apple tree apyffan - exhale apytan - put out eyes ar - copper, mercy, honour, property, oar, messenger aræcan - reach, get at aræd - fixed, welfare arædan - appoint, prepare arædnes - condition aræfan - set free aræfnan - carry out, accomplish aræfniendlic - endurable aræman - raise, elevate aræran - raise up arasian - lay open, search out, correct arcebiscop - archbishop ardlice - quickly areccean - translate aredian - make reaady, provide, find aretan - cheer, gladden arfæst - merciful arfæstlice - mercifully arfæstniss - piety, mercy, virtue arian - spare, pardon, honour ariht - properly arisan - arise arleas - impious arleaslice - impiously arlice - honourably arodlice - quickly arsape - verdigris arstaf - support, assistance arung - honour, respect arwearð - honourable arweorðlic - venerable, honourable arweorðlice - with honour, kindly arwurþ - venerable ascacan - shake asceadan - separate ascerpan - sharpen ascian - ask ascreadian - prune ascufan - launch ascunian - avoid asecgan - say, tell asellan - give away asetnes - institute, law asettan - place asigan - sink, decline asingan - sing asittan - run aground aslidan - slip asmeagan - investigate asmiþian - forge asolcenness - laziness aspendan - spend aspringan - spring up aspryttan - bring forth ast - kiln astandan - stand up astandennes - perseverance astellan - place astigan - mount, ascend astigend - rider astiþian - become strong astreccan - stretch out astyrian - move, agitate asucan - suck, drain, consume asundrian - separate aswebban - kill aswefecian - eradicate aswerian - swear aswindan - waste away atæsan - injure ate - oats atellan - count up, explain ateon - draw, entice ateorian - fail aþ - oath aþbrice - breaking an oath aþencan - devise aþencean - contrive aþenenes - extension aþenian - extend aþeodan - remove, separate aþumswerian - son in law and father in law aþwean - wash atimbran - build atol - dire atolian - disfigure atolic - dire, terrible atreddan - examine attor - poison attorsceaða - poisonous enemy atydran - procreate awacan - awake awacian - decline, grow weak awægan - annul aweallan - well up aweaxan - grow up aweccan - awake, incite awefan - weave aweg - away awegewiten - departed awendan - turn, alter, translate aweorpan - cast away, remove awestan - lay waste awiergan - curse, damn awiglice - in single combat, in a duel awiht - anything awildian - become wild awrecan - avenge, drive out awritan - write, write down, compose awyrgan - curse awyrgedlic - abominable axian - ask ba - both bad - waited, expectation bæacbord - port bæc - back bæcere - baker bæd - asked bæð - bath bæddel - effeminate male bædon - asked, prayed bæl - fire, flame bælc - pride bælfyr - bale fire bælstede - place of a funeral pyre bælwudu - wood for a funeral pyre bæmett - buming bændan - bind bær - bare bæran - behave, conduct oneself bærnan - kindle, burn bærnett - burning bæron - bore bætan - bridle bæþ - bath baldlice - boldly balsam - balsam ban - bone bana - killer banbeorge - greaves bancofa - body banfag - adorned with bonework banfatu - body, corpse banhringas - vertebra banhus - body, chest banlocan - joint, limb bannan - summon banweorc - manslaughter, murder bar - wildboar bat - boat, bit baþian - bathe batweard - shop's watchman be - about, by, near, on, through be ðæm - thereon be suþan - south of be þam þe - as beacen - beacon, sign, token beacnian - indicate beadu - battle beaducaf - bold in battle beaducræft - skill in war beaducwealm - violent death beadugrima - helmet beaduhrægl - coat of mail beadulac - battle beaduleoma - sword beadumægen - battle strength beadumece - sword beaduscearp - keen in battle beaduscrud - coat of mail beadusearo - war equipment beæftan - behind beag - ring beaggifa - ring giver beaghord - ring hoard beaghroden - adorned with rings beald - bold bealdor - master, lord bealu - harm, injury, malice bealucwealm - violent death bealuhycgende - thinking to do mischief bealunið - malice beam - tree, beam bearhtm - din bearm - lap, bosom bearn - child bearngebyrda - child-bearing bearnmyrþa - infanticide bearu - grove beatan - beat bebead - command bebeodan - order, command bebeorgan - defend bebod - command bebycgan - sell bebyrgan - bury bebyrignyss - burial bec - books beceorfan - cut off beclyppan - embrace beclysan - imprison becuman - arrive, come becweþan - bequeath becyrran - betray bed - bed, prayer bedælan - deprive of bedd - bed bedecian - beg bedelfan - bury bediglian - conceal bedreosan - deprive of bedrifan - drive, sprinkle bedyrnan - conceal beebbian - strand befæstan - entrust, commit befaldan - fold befeallan - fall befeolan - apply oneself to befon - seize, encompass beforan - before befreon - free befrinan - inquire began - practise, surround, cultivate, occupy begang - way, course, extent, region, exercise, service begeat - attainment, property begen - both begeondan - beyond begeotan - cover begietan - get, obtain beginnan - begin begnornian - mourn for begylpan - boast behat - promise behatan - promise beheafdian - behead beheafdung - beheading behealdan - see, behold, possess behealdend - beholder behealdennes - observance beheawan - cut, cut off from, deprive behelian - conceal beheonan - on this side of behof - profit, need behofian - require behogian - care for behogod - careful behorsian - deprive of horses behreowsian - repent, rue behreowsung - repentance behydan - hide beladung - excuse belæwan - betray belean - reprove, censure beliefan - believe belifan - remain belimp - event, occurrence belimpan - belong belucan - lock, enclose bemetan - account, consider bemurcian - murmur ben - prayer, request bena - suitor benæman - deprive, rob of benc - bench bencsweg - sound of revelry bencþel - bench board bend - bond, fetter, band, ribbon beneotan - deprive of beneoþan - beneath bengeat - wound beniman - take, assume, obtain benn - wound benne - reed grass beo - bee beod - table beodan - offer, command beodgeneat - table companion beon - be beon ymbe - have to do with beor - beer beorg - mountain, hill beorgan - protect, save beorht - bright, shining, brilliant beorhte - brightly beorhtnes - brightness beorn - man, warrier beorncyning - lord of heroes beorning - incense beorscealc - reveller beorscipe - feast beorsele - banqueting hall beorþegu - beer drinking beot - vow, boast beotlic - arrogant, threatening beotword - bpast, threat beow - barley bepæcan - deceive bera - bear berædan - deliberate on beran - bear bere - barley bereafian - deprive beren - of bear skin berende - fruitful, productive beridan - overtake bern - barn berofon - despoiled berowan - row past berstan - burst, break, crash berypan - strip, despoil besætian - lay in wait for besargian - lament besceawian - contemplate bescieran - shear bescufan - thrust, throw bescyrian - deprive besencan - sink beseon - look besettan - surround, beset besibb - related besmiðian - forge, work metal besmitan - infect, defile besnyðian - rob, deprive of besprecan - speak about bestandan - stand by bestealcian - steal bestelan - go stealthily besteman - make wet bestrypan - strip, plunder bestyman - wet, flood beswælan - burn, singe beswican - ensnare, deceive bet - better betæcan - commit, entrust betellan - excuse oneself betera - better beþearf - need beþeccan - cover beþencan - call to mind beþian - foment beþung - bath betimbran - build betlic - grand, fine, splendid, excellent betost - best betra - better betst - best betsta - best betweonum - between betweox - between betwix - between betwix þæm þe - while betynan - end, close bewadan - emerge bewægnan - offer bewælan - oppress bewæpnian - disarm bewærlan - pass by bewarenian - guard against bewarian - keep watch, guard bewealcan - involve beweardian - guard, protect beweaxan - overgrow, srround beweddenlic - of marriage beweddian - marry beweddung - betrothal bewendan - turn, convert beweorpan - throw, cast, cast down bewepan - weep for, mourn bewependlic - lamentable bewerian - defend, guard, protect bewerigend - protector, keeper bewernes - prohibition bewerung - defence, fortification bewindan - brandish, surround, turn, revolve bewitan - watch over, guide, lead bewitian - observe, watch over bewlatian - look at bewlitan - look round bewrecan - drive, drive away, banish bewreðian - sustain, support bewreon - cover, hide bewuna - accustomed bewyrcan - cover, surround, adorn biblioðece - library bicce - bitch bicnendlic - indicative bicnol - indicating bicwide - proverb, fable, tale bid - lingering, hesitation bidan - wait biddan - ask for, pray, beseech, entreat biddere - petitioner biden - waited bidon - waited bieldu - arrogance, boldness bieme - trumpet biergan - taste, eat biernan - burn bifian - tremble bigang - worship bigeng - worship bigenga - inhabitant biggencg - cultivation bigspel - parable bihon - hang round bihreosan - cover bile - bill, beak bileofa - food bilewit - innocent bill - bill, battle axe bilwit - innocent bindan - bind binn - stall, bin binnan - inside birhtu - brightness birnan - burn bisceop - bishop bisceopham - bishop's estate biscop - bishop biscopstol - see biscopsunu - godson at confirmation bisen - example bisigu - occupation, care bismer - insult, shame bismerfull - shameful bismerian - disgrace bitan - bite, cut bite - bite, sting biten - bitten biter - bitter, sharp, cutting biterian - be bitter biton - bit bitt - waits, bites bitter - bitter, fierce bitternis - bitterness biwist - sustenance blac - pale, bright, shining blacian - turn pale blæc - black blæcan - bleach blæd - fame, glory blædagende - renowned blædfæst - glorious blæst - blast, furnace blandan - mix blawan - blow bled - fruit bledu - dish, bowl blegen - blister, ulcer bleo - colour bletsian - bless bletsung - blessing blican - shine bliðe - happy bliðheort - happy, joyful bliðost - happiest bliðra - happier blind - blind blindlice - blindly bliss - joy, gladness blissian - rejoice bliþe - glad, merry bliþelice - gladly bliþemod - kindly disposed bliþnes - joy blod - blood bloden - bloody blodfag - bloody blodgian - make bloody blodgyte - bloodshed blodig - bloody blodigtoð - bloody-toothed blodreow - cruel blostma - flower blotan - sacrifice blowan - bloom, flourish boc - book boccræft - learning, literature bocere - scholar Boclæden - Latin boclond - land given by charter bod - command boda - messenger bodere - teacher bodian - announce, preach bodig - body bodung - preaching, message bog - bough boga - bow bogeht - crooked bolca - gangway bold - house, mansion, hall boldagendra - homestead owner bolla - cup, bowl bolster - pillow, cushion bon - ornament bone - ban bonian - ornament bord - board, plank borda - fringe bordhæbbende - shield-bearing bordhreoða - phalanx bordrand - shield bordweall - wall of shields bordwudu - shield bosm - bosom bot - advantage, healing, remedy, repair botm - bottom brad - broad, wide bræc - cough, breaking brædan - dilate, extend brædu - breadth brægden - crafty brand - fire breadru - bread crumbs breahtm - revelry brecan - break, storm, infringe brecða - broken state bregdan - pull brego - ruler bregorof - mighty, majestic bregostol - throne bregu - prince breme - famous bremel - bramble brenting - ship breost - breast breostefa - mind, heart breostgehygd - in thought, contemplative breostgewædu - corslet breosthord - thought, mind breostnet - coat of mail breostweorðung - breast ornament breostwylm - teat, emotion breotan - break breowan - brew brerd - brim Breten - Britain Brettas - British Brettisc - British Bretwealh - Briton bricg - bridge, causeway bridd - young bird, chick brim - sea brimclif - cliff brimlad - sea way brimliðend - seafarer brimstream - current, sea brimwisa - seak king brimwylf - she wolf of the lake brimwylm - sea wave, roller bring - offering bringan - bring, lead broc - breeches, affliction brocian - afflict broden - woven brodenmæl - damascened sword broðor - brother broga - terror, disaster brogdenmæl - damascened sword brogne - bough brond - prick, point brosnian - crumble, decay brosnung - decay broþor - brother brucan - enjoy, use brucung - function brun - shining brunecg - with gleaming blade bryce - offence brycg - bridge bryd - bride brydbletsung - marriage blessing brydbur - bridal bed chamber brydeala - bride ale brydgifta - betrothal brydgifu - dowry brydguma - bridegroom brydlac - being married, marriage ceremony brydniht - wedding night brygd - unsheathing bryne - burning, fire, flame, heat bryneadi - fever brynehat - burning hot bryneleoma - flame brynewylm - flame brynstan - brimstone bryrdan - urge on, incite Bryt - Briton brytan - crush brytencyning - powerful king Brytenlond - Britain Brytenwealda - ruler of Britain bryting - breaking brytnere - steward brytnian - distribute brytsnian - distribute brytta - dispenser, giver, author Bryttas - Britons bryttian - divide, dispense buan - dwell, cultivate bucca - male goat budda - beetle buend - dweller bufan - over, above bugan - bow, bend, submit bugian - inhabit bunda - householder bunden - bound bundenheord - with bounden tresses bundenstefna - with a decorated prow bune - cup bur - bower, chamber burg - fortress, walled town burggeat - city gate burgware - citizens burhleode - citizens burhmann - citizen burhscir - district controlled by a city burhwela - treasure of a city burn - burn, stream, brook burning - bærnet butan - without, unless butere - butter buton - without, except, unless bycgan - buy bydel - meesenger byldan - embolden, encourage bymian - blow the trumpet byne - cultivated byrde - of high rank byre - youth, opportunity byrele - cup bearer byrgan - bury byrgea - surety byrgen - grave byrgian - taste byrne - coat of mail byrnete - barnacle byrnwiga - warrior in mail byrst - bristle, loss, injury byrþen - burden byrþenn - burden bysen - example bysgian - occupy, trouble bysgu - trouble bysig - busy bysmorlice - shamefully bywan - rub, brighten cæg - key caf - brave caflice - bravely cald - cold caldast - coldest campian - fight can - know how to, knows how to candel - candle cann - know how to canon - canon carcern - prison carian - care about casere - emperor castel - castle ceafl - jaw ceald - cold cealdnes - cold, coldness cealf - calf ceap - purchase, cattle ceapdæg - market day ceart - common land cearu - grief, sorrow ceaster - city ceasterbuend - citizen ceasterware - city dwellers cempa - champion, warrior cen - pine, name of a rune cenðu - boldness cene - bold, keen cenlice - bravely cennan - bear, produce, give birth to cennend - parent cenningstow - birthplace cenost - boldest cenra - bolder ceol - ship ceorfan - cut, carve ceorigan - mutter ceorl - peasant, husband ceorung - grumbling ceosan - choose cepa - trader cepan - attend to cese - cheese ciegan - call, name, summon ciele - chill, cold ciepan - trade, sell ciepend - seller cierm - shouting cierr - turn cierran - turn cild - child cildcradol - cradle cildhad - childhood cinnban - jaw bone cirice - church cirlisc - rustic, pertaining to peasants cirman - call out cirr - occasion clæg - clay clæne - clean, pure, entirely clænsian - cleanse clamm - grip, bond, fetter claþ - cloth clawan - claw clawu - claw cleaofa - cellar clenniss - chastity cleofan - split cleopian - call out, cry, summon clif - cliff clifian - adhere clipian - speak, call out, summon clipung - calling clud - rock cludig - rocky clumian - mumble clummian - murmur clyne - lump clyppan - embrace, accept clysung - enclosure cnæpp - top, summit cnapa - boy, servant cnawan - know cneo - knee cneord - eager cneoriss - tribe, nation cneow - knee cniht - youth, boy cnihthad - youth cnihtwesende - as a boy cnoll - top, summit cnyllan - knock cnyssan - beat, knock, press, toss cnyttan - bind coccel - tares cocer - quiver col - cool colian - grow cold collenferhð - proud, elated com - came comon - came con - can const - you can consul - consul corðor - troop, band, multitude corn - corn cosp - fetter costung - temptation coþu - illness cradolcild - infant cræft - strength, skill, science cræftig - strong Crecisc - Greek creopan - creep, kneel cringan - fall, perish Crist - Christ cristen - Christian cristendom - Christianity cristes boc - Gospel crundel - ravine cu - cow cuð - known, plain, noted, famous cuðe - clearly cuðlic - known, certain, evident culfre - dove culter - coulter cuma - stranger, guest cuman - approach, get to, depart, arrive, come cuman up - land cumendre - godmother cumpæder - godfather cunnan - know how to cunnere - tempter cunnian - try, seek cunnon - know how to cuppe - cup curs - malediction cuþ - known, familiar cuþe - knew how to cuþian - be known cuþlic - certain, evident cuþlice - evidently cuþon - knew how to cwaecung - trembling cwæð - said cwæde - said cwædon - said cwæþ - said cwalu - killing cwealm - death, murder cwealmbealu - death cwealmcuma - bringer of death cweartern - prison cwellan - kill cwellere - killer cwen - woman, queen cwene - woman cwenlic - queenly cweorn - mill cweþ - says cweþan - say, speak cweþaþ - say cweþe - say cweþst - say cweþt - says cwic - alive cwice - couch grass cwið - belly, womb cwiðan - bewail, accuse cwide - saying, speech, word cwild - death cwiþan - lament cwom - came cwom of - came from cwydeleas - speechless cwylmian - suffer cyðan - proclaim, tell, make known, utter cyððu - native land cyle - cold cylle - vessel cyme - arrival, coming cymen - cumin cymlic - comely cynebearn - child of royal house cynecynn - royal family cynedom - kingdom cynegierla - royal robe cynehlaford - liege lord cynelic - royal cynelice - royally cynerice - kingdom cynesetl - throne cynestol - throne cyneþrym - majesty cyning - king cynlic - suitable cynn - race, people, kind cynren - kin, progeny cyre - choice cyrichata - persecutor of the church cyrm - cry, uproar cyssan - kiss cyst - excellence, choice cystig - charitable, excellent cyþan - make known, tell cyþere - witness cyþniss - testament cyþþu - native land ða - then, at that time, there, when, since dæd - deed, action dædbetan - make amends for dædcene - bold in deed dædfruma - doer of deeds dædhata - ravager dæg - day dæges - by day dæghwamlice - daily dæghwil - days, lifetime daegraed - dawn dægred - dawn dægrim - number of days dægweorc - day´s work dæl - part, dale dælan - divide, distribute ðær - to there, then, when. if, though, yonder ðæt - so that, in order that ðafian - allow, suffer ðanc - thought, will, mind, purpose daru - injury ðe - who, which, that dead - dead deað - death, dying deaðbedd - bed of death deaðcwalu - agony deaðcwealm - violent death deaðdæg - death day deaðfæge - doomed to death deaðwerig - dead deag - avail ðeah - though, however, yet, nevertheless deall - proud, bold, exulting dearf - bold ðearf - need, necessity, want ðearfa - poor man, beggar dearr - dare deaþ - death deaþscua - spirit of death deaþwic - dwelling of death deaw - dew degellice - secretly ðegn - servant, minister, vassal, follower ðegnlic - noble, brave degulnis - secrecy delfan - dig dema - judge, ruler deman - judge, condemn demend - judge Denisc - Danish denn - den, lair denu - valley, dell ðeod - people, nation, tribe ðeodcyning - monarch, God ðeoden - chief of a tribe, God, Christ, prince ðeodenleas - without a ruler ðeodnes - joining ðeodsceaða - criminal deofol - devil deofolgeld - idol ðeon - thrive prosper deop - deep, deep water deope - deeply deoplice - deeply deor - animal deoran - glorify, hold dear deorc - dark, gloomy deore - costly deorlice - dearly deorwierþe - valuable deorwurþ - precious deorwyrþness - treasure derian - harm ðes - this desire - wilnian dest - do deþ - does diacon - deacon dic - ditch ðicgan - take, receive, accept digel - secret dimm - dark ðing - thing, creature, object disc - dish do - do dogor - day dogorgerim - time, alloted time dohtor - daugther dol - foolish dolg - wound dolgilp - idle boasting dollic - audacious dollice - foolishly dolsceaða - destroyer dom - judgement, law, fame domdæg - Day of Judgement domgeorn - eager for glory domleas - inglorious domlice - gloriously don - do, perform, take ðon - then, now ðonne - then, therefore doþ - do draca - dragon dræfan - drive draf - drove, band dranc - drank dreahnian - drain dream - joy, melody, delight dreamleas - joyless dreccan - afflict drefan - trouble, disturb drenc - drink drencan - drench dreogan - perform, suffer dreor - blood dreorfah - covered with gore dreorig - bloody, cruel drep - stroke, blow drepe - stroke, blow drieman - rejoice drifan - drive drifen - driven drifon - drove drifþ - drives drinc - drink drincan - drink drincfæt - drinking vessel drohtnian - live drohtnung - way of life dropa - drop druncen - drunk drycræft - sorcery drycræftig - skilled in sorcery ðryðlic - strong, valiant ðryðswyð - mighty, powerful dryhten - lord dryhtguma - warrior, retainer dryhtlic - lordly, noble dryhtmaðm - princely treasure dryhtsele - princely hall dryhtsibb - peace drync - drink dryncfæt - drinking vessel ðryþærn - noble house ðu - you dugan - avail duguð - retainers, host, valour dugunde - suitable duguþ - excellence, honour dulmun - warship dun - hill, mountain ðurh - through, because of durran - dare duru - door dust - dust dwæs - foolish dwelian - lead astray ðy - because, since ðy ... ðy - the ... the dyde - did dydes - did dydon - did dyfan - dip dyhtig - strong dynian - resound, make a din dynt - blow dyrne - secret dyrstelice - boldly dyrstig - daring, bold dysig - foolish, folly dyslic - foolish ea - river eac - also eac ðæm - in addition to this, besides this eac swelce - likewise also eaca - reinforcement eacen - increased eacencræftig - huge eacnian - increase eacnung - increase eaðe - easy, smooth, agreeable eaðfynde - easy to find eadig - blessed eadiglic - prosperous eadmedan - humble eaðmod - humble eafoð - power, strength eafora - son eaganbearhtm - twinkling of an eye eage - eye eagþyrel - window eaht - deliberation eahta - eight eahtere - appraiser eahtian - guard eahtoþa - eighth eala - oh! ealad - watery way ealand - island eald - old ealda - old man ealddom - age ealdfæder - patriarch ealdgesegen - ancient tradition ealdgesið - old comrade ealdgestreon - ancient treasure ealdgewinn - old conflict ealdgewyrht - former deeds ealdhlaford - hereditary lord ealdian - grow old ealdnyss - old age ealdor - elder, parent, chief, leader ealdorbiscop - high priest ealdorgewinna - deadly enemy ealdorman - earl ealdormann - governor, nobleman ealdriht - ancient privilege ealdung - age ealfela - very much ealgearo - all ready ealgian - protect, defend eall - all, every, quite, completely ealles - entirely eallgylden - all gold ealliren - made entirely of iron eallniwe - quite new eallswa - in the same way eallunga - entirely Eallwealdend - Omnipotent ealo - ale ealodrincende - ale drinking ealond - island ealu - ale ealubenc - ale bench ealuscerwen - distress ealuwæge - ale flagon eam - maternal uncle ear - ear of corn eard - native land, country eardian - dwell, inhabit, live eardiend - dweller eardstapa - wanderer eardungstow - dwelling place eare - ear earfoðlice - difficult earfoðþrag - sorowful time earfoþ - hardship earfoþe - hardship, trouble earfoþlic - difficult earfoþlice - with difficulty earfoþrime - difficult to count earg - sluggish, cowardly earh - cowardly earlice - wretchedly earm - poor, wretched, arm earmbeag - bracelet earmlic - wretched earmlice - miserably earmost - poorest earmra - poorer earmsceapen - unfortunate, miserable earn - eagle earnian - deserve, gain earnung - merit, desert eart - are, art earþ - crop east - east, eastwards eastan - rom the East eastdæl - east Easterdæg - Easter Day easterihte - eastwards easterne - eastern easteweard - east Eastran - Easter eastrhyte - due east Eastron - Easter eaþe - easily eaþelic - insignificant, weak eaþmede - humble eaþmedu - reverence eaþmettu - humility eaþmod - humble eaþmodlice - humbly eaþmodnis - humility eawu - ewe eaxl - shoulder eaxlgestealla - comrade ebba - ebb tide Ebrisc - Hebrew Ebriscgeþiode - Hebrew ece - eternal ecelic - eternally ecg - edge ecgbana - sword slayer ecghete - war ecnes - eternity ecness - eternity eðel - country, native land eðelriht - hereditary right eðelwynn - joy of ownership edgift - repayment edhwyrft - reversal edniwe - renewed edor - fence edwendan - return edwit - reproach edwitlif - life of dishonour efeneald - of equal age efenehþ - neighbourhood efenhlytta - equal sharer efes - fringe efne - even, behold, just efsian - cut the hair of efstan - hasten eft - again, then afterwards eftcyme - return eftsið - return ege - fear, terror egesa - terror egesful - terrible egesfullic - terrible egeslic - awful egeslice - terribly egl - mote, beard, ear of barley eglan - molest ehtan - chase, persecute ehtend - pursuer ehtere - persecutor ehtnyss - persecution elcor - otherwise elcung - delay ele - oil eletreo - olive elland - foreign country ellen - courage ellendæd - heroic deed ellengæst - powerful demon ellenlic - brave ellenmærðu - fame of courage ellenrof - powerful ellenweorc - heroic deed ellenwodniss - zeal elles - otherwise ellor - elsewhere ellorgast - alien spirit ellorsið - death eln - ell elpend - elephant elpendban - ivory elþeod - foreign people elþeodig - foreign elþeodignes - exile emn - even, level emnlange - along emnniht - equinox emsarig - equally sorry ende - end endebyrdan - arrange in order endebyrdnes - order endedæg - last day endedogor - last day endelaf - last endelean - final retribution endemes - together endenext - last, latest endesæta - border watchman endestæf - end endian - end endleofta - eleventh endlyfta - eleventh enge - narrow engel - angel engellic - angelic Englaland - England Engle - Angles Englisc - English englum gelice - like angels engu - narrowness ent - giant entisc - of a giant eode - went eodor - hedge, boundary, limit, region eodorcan - chew the cud eoferspreot - boar spear eofor - boar eoforlic - boar image eoh - horse eom - am eorðcyning - earthly king eorðdraca - dragon that lives in the earth eorðhus - den eorðreced - cave dwelling eorðsele - cave dwelling eorðweall - mound eorðweard - region of earth eored - mounted troops eoredgeatwe - military dress eorfeþe - difficult eorl - nobleman eorlgestreona - treasure eorlgewæde - armour eorlic - chivalrous, manly eorlice - angrily eorlscipe - manliness eorlweorod - host of noble warriors eormencynn - mankind eormengrund - wide world eormenlaf - huge legacy eornoste - resolutely eornostlice - indeed eorþbuend - man eorþe - earth eorþfast - firm in the earth eorþlic - earthly eorþrice - earthly kingdom eorþscræf - grave eorþwelan - wordly prosperity eoten - monster eotenisc - gigsntic eow - to you (pl.), you eowan - reveal eower - your, of you eower nan - none of you epistola - letter ercnanstan - pearl erfa - heir erfeweard - heir erfewordnis - inheirtance erian - plough esne - man est - favour, grace esuica - hypocrite etan - eat eþe - easy eþel - native land, homeland eþelstol - hereditary seat eþelturf - fatherland eþelweard - lord of the realm eþre - kidneys ettan - graze facen - crime facenfull - treacherous facenstafas - treachery fadian - arrange fadung - order, arrangement fæc - space, interval fæcne - vile, treacherous fæder - father fæðer - father fæderæþelo - patrimony fæderenmæg - paternal kinsman fæðm - embrace, grasp fæðmian - surround, envelop fæeringa - suddenly fæge - fated, doomed fægen - glad fæger - beautiful, fair fægere - fairly fægnian - rejoice, be glad fægre - fairly, elegantly fægrian - grow fair fæhð - hostility fæhðu - feud fæhþ - feud fælsian - cleanse, purify fæmne - virgin, maiden fær - journey, danger færeld - journey færelt - journey færgripe - sudden grip færgryre - awful horror færinga - suddenly, unexpectedly færlic - sudden færlice - suddenly færnið - hostile attack færstice - sudden pain fæst - firm, secure, strong fæstan - fast fæste - firmly, securely fæsten - stronghold, fortress, fortifi fæstenn - fortress fæstlice - firmly, strictly fæstness - stability fæstræd - firm, constant fæt - vessel, fat fæted - ornamented with gold fætedhleore - with gold ornaments fætels - pouch, vessel fætgold - beaten gold fæþm - bosom fætt - fat, rich fættian - grow fat fag - stained, marked fah - hostile famigheals - foamy necked fand - found fandian - test, try, tempt faran - go, travel, wandr faroð - shore faru - journey fea - few, joy fealh - fallow land feallan - fall fealo - yellow fearr - bull feasceaft - destitute, poor feasceaftig - destitute feax - hair feaxe - with hair feccan - fetch fedan - feed feðecempa - foot soldier feðegest - traveller feðergearwe - feathers of an arrow feðewig - battle fela - many, much felageomor - sorrowful felahror - full of exploits felamodig - very bold feld - field, plain fell - skin, pelt fenfreoðo - fen refuge feng - grasp, clutch fengel - lord, prince fengelad - fen fenhleoðu - fen coverts fenhop - fen hollow fenlond - fenland fenn - fen, marsh, mud, mire, moor feoh - property, cattle, money feohbigenga - cattle keeper feohgehat - promise of money feohgift - largess feohleas - without property feohtan - fight feol - file feolan - burst in feole - file feolian - file feon - hate feond - foe, enemy feondraeden - enmity feor - far feorbuend - dwelling far away feorcund - strange feorcyþð - distant land feorh - life feorhbealo - deadly evil feorhbealu - deadly evil feorhcynn - race of mortals feorhgeniðla - mortal foe feorhlegu - death feorhseoc - mortally wounded feorhsweng - fatal blow feorhwund - deadly wound feorm - food, banquet, provisions feormian - to clean feorr - far feorran - from afar feorrancund - foreign born feorþa - fourth feorweg - remote part feower - four feowerscyte - square feowertig - forty feowertyne - fourteen feran - go, travel ferend - traveller ferende - travelling ferhð - mind, intelelct, soul ferhðfrec - bold ferhðgeniðla - mortal enemy ferht - honest ferian - carry fers - verse fersc - fresh fersian - drive away fesan - drive away festendæg - fast day fet - feet fetelhilt - ringed sword hilt feþa - foot soldiers feþe - walking feþecempa - foot soldier feþer - feather fetian - fetch, bring fetor - fetter fictreo - fig tree fiðere - wing fierd - army, militia fierdian - campaign fierdleas - undefended fierdwise - campaign, order fierlen - distant fierst - period, time fif - five fifelcynn - race of sea monsters fifta - fifth fiftig - fifty fiftyne - fifteen filde - level fina - woodpecker findan - find findan æt - obtain from finger - finger finol - fennel fiorm - sustenance firas - men firen - violence, sin, crime firgenstream - mountain stream first - time, interval fisc - fish fiscaþ - fishing fiscere - fisherman fiscwielle - rich in fish fiþre - wing fla - arrow flæsc - flesh flæsclic - carnal flæscmete - flesh flah - deceitful flan - barb, arrow flanboga - bow flasce - flask fleah - white spot in the eye fleam - flight flean - flay fledu - in flight fleogan - fly fleon - flee from, avoid fleot - estuary fleotan - float flet - floor, hall fletræst - couch fletsittend - sitter in the hall flett - floor, ground fletwerod - body guard flicce - flitch fliema - exile, fugitive flieman - put to flight flies - fleece flit - strife, dispute flius - fleece flocc - band flocmælum - in bands flocrad - mounted band flod - flood flode - channel flodyþ - wave flor - floor flot - deep water flota - fleet, sailor floterian - flutter, float, fly flothere - army of pirates flotman - sailor flotmann - pirate, sailor flowan - flow flugol - fleet, swift flyht - flight flyhte - patch fnæran - snort fnæst - breath foda - food fodder - fodder, food folc - people, nation, tribe folcagende - ruling folccwen - queen of a nation folccwide - popular saying folccyning - king of a nation folcgemot - meeting of people folcisc - of the people folclagu - public law folclic - popular, public folcmægen - army folcriht - common law folcstede - dwelling place, battlefield folctoga - chieftain foldbold - house, castle foldbuend - man, inhabitant folde - earth foldweg - way, path folgaþ - province folgere - follower folgian - follow, obey folm - hand, palm fon - catch, seize, take fon on - begin with fon to - take up, begin fon to rice - come to the throne for - before, in front of, on behalf for ðæm - therefore, for that reason for ðy ðe - because for hwon - why for þæm - because for þam þe - because for þon - because foran - in front foran forfaran - obstruct foran forridan - intercept forbærnan - burn up forbeodan - forbid forberan - put up with forbigan - abase forbirnan - burn forbredan - transform forbugan - avoid forceorfan - cut off forcerred - prevented forcuaeden - aforesaid forcyrran - avoid ford - ford forð - forwards, forth, hence, away forðgan - advance, pass by forðgesceaft - creature forðgewitan - go forth, pass, proceed forðgongendre tide - in due course fordilgian - destroy fordon - destroy forðon - forthwith fordrifan - sweep away forðweard - advanced, forwards, continually forðweg - journey, departure forðwyrft - tortured fore - before, on account of, on behalf of forealdian - grow old, wear out forealdod - aged foregan - go before foregisl - preliminary hostage foremære - illustrious foremihtig - most mighty foresceawian - provide, preordain, foresee foresecgan - say before forespræc - advocacy, defence forespreca - sponsor, intercessor foresprecan - say before, speak for foresprecen - aforesaid foresteppan - precede foreþanc - forethought foreweard - early forfaran - obstruct forfleon - flee from forgefeness - foregiveness forgiefan - to give, grant, forgive forgieldan - pay for, repay forgitan - forget forgyman - disregard forgymeleasian - neglect forhabban - hold in, restrain forhæfednyss - temperance forhealdan - withhold forhealden - forsake, rebel, defile forheard - very hard forhelan - conceal forhergian - ravage forheriung - devastation forhogdniss - contempt forhogian - scorn forhradian - anticipate forhraþe - very quickly forht - afraid forhtian - fear, be afraid forhtlice - in fear forhtmod - timorous forhwæga - about forhwega - somewhere forhwerfan - transform forlædan - mislead, seduce forlætan - leave, abandon forleogan - perjure oneself forleosan - lose forletnis - remission forlicgan - fornicate forlidennes - shipwreck forliger - fornication forlor - destruction, loss forloreniss - destruction forma - first formoni - too many formyrðian - murder fornæman - be worn out forneah - nearly, almost forneðan - expose to danger forniman - carry off, destroy, consume fornydan - compel forod - useless, broken down foroft - very often forpæran - lose, turn away, spoil forpyndan - do away, remove forrædan - betray forridan - intercept by riding forrotednes - corrupt matter forrotian - decay, rot away forsacan - refuse, deny, oppose forsacennes - denial forsacung - denial forscamian - be ashamed forscamung - modesty forscapung - mishap forsceadan - disperse forsceoppan - transform forsceorfan - gnaw off, eat up forsceotan - anticipate, prevent forsceta - flood gate forscrenan - supplant, overcome forscrencend - supplanter forscrifan - decree forscrinan - shrink, dry up forscutan - cast down forscyldig - wicked forscyldigian - condemn forscyrian - separate forsearian - sear forsecan - attack forsecgan - accuse falsely, slander forsellan - sell, give up forsencan - reject forsendan - send away forseoðan - wither, consume forseon - despise, scorn, overlook, neglect forseoþan - wither forsettan - hedge in, obstruct forsewen - contempt forsewenlic - despicable, ignominious forslean - cut through, slay forspanan - seduce forspendan - squander forspillan - destroy forsrendnes - supplanting forst - frost forstandan - protect, understand forstelan - steal forswælan - inflame forswelgan - swallow forswelgen - devour forswerian - swear falsely forswiþe - very greatly forsworen - perjured forsyngian - sin forsyngod - corrupted by sin fortendan - cauterize forþ - forwards forþbringan - produce forþcuman - be born forþearle - very grievously forþfaran - die forþferan - depart, die forþfor - death forþgan - pass on forþgenge - advancing forþgewiten - dead forþian - accomplish forþolian - do without forþon - because, truly forþræstan - crush forþringan - rescue from forþryccan - oppress forþsiþ - death forþweard - henceforward forþyldgan - be patient forþylman - enwrap forwel - very well forweopnes - migration forweorðan - perish, vanish forweorðfullic - excellent forweorpan - throw, cast out, reject, squander forweorþan - perish forwieran - hinder, prohibit, refuse, repel forwiernednes - restraint forwitolnes - intelligence forwrecan - drive forth, expel forwyrd - loss fot - foot fotgemearc - space of a foot fotlast - footprint fræt - perverse, proud frætwa - treasures frætwe - ornaments fram - from Francan - Franks Francland - France frea - ruler, lord, king freadrihten - lord and master freawine - lord and friend freca - warrior frecennes - danger frecne - dangerous, savage, bold fremde - foreign, alien fremfulnes - benefit fremian - benefit, help fremman - accomplish, perform fremu - advantage, gain freo - free freoburh - city freod - peace, friendship freogan - set free, love freolic - free, festive freols - freedom, festival freolslic - festive freolslice - freely freond - friend freondlarum - friendly counsel freondlaþu - friendly invitation freondscipe - friendship fretan - devour, consume fricgan - ask friclan - seek, desire frignan - ask friþ - peace friþ neman - make peace frod - wise, old frofor - comfort frogga - frog fruma - beginning frumcyn - ancestry, origin frumgar - leader frumsceaft - first creation fugol - bird fugolwielle - rich in birds ful - corrupt, impure full - full fullian - baptise fullice - fully fulluht - baptism fultum - forces, troops fultumiend - helper fulwiht - baptism funde - found furðum - even, exactly furh - furrow furþum - even fus - eager fuslic - ready to start, excellent fylgan - follow fyllan - fill, fulfil fyllu - fullness fyr - fire fyrbend - bar forged in fire fyrd - levy fyrdgestealla - comrade in arms fyrdhrægl - corslet fyrdleoð - war song fyrdraca - fire spouting dragon fyrdsearu - accoutrements fyrdwyrðe - distinguished in war fyren - fiery fyrheard - hardened by fire fyrleoht - gleam of fire fyrmest - chief, first fyrndagas - days of old fyrngeweorc - ancient work fyrngewinn - primeval struggle fyrnmann - man of old times fyrnum - excessively fyrnwita - sage, counsellor fyrst - first fyrwylm - wave of fire fysan - impel ga - go gad - goad gædeling - kinsman gærs - grass gafeluc - spear gafol - interest, profit gal - lust, luxury, gay, light gamen - sport gamol - old, aged, hoary gamolfeax - grey-haired gan - go gang - going, journey, flow, stream, course, path gangan - go ganot - sea bird, gannet gar - spear, javelin garcene - bold in fight garcwealm - death by the spear garholt - sahfted spear garsecg - ocean garwiga - warrior, spearman garwigend - warrior, spearman gast - spirit, breath gastbona - Devil gastlic - spiritual gastlice - spiritually gatu - gates ge - and, you, ye ge...ge - both .... and geador - together geælen - grown geæmetigan - free geærnan - reach by galloping geagnian - appropriate, possess gealen - grown gealga - gallows geanlæcan - unite geanwyrde - known geap - deceitful gear - year geara - of yore gearcian - prepare geard - court, enclosure geardagas - days of old gearo - ready gearofolm - with ready hand gearora - more ready, readier gearu - ready gearwe - well gearwost - readiest, most ready geat - gate geatolic - adroned, magnificent geatwe - arms, equipment, armour geatweard - gatekeeper geaxian - learn gebæran - behave gebære - bearing gebannan - summon, command gebed - prayer gebedhus - chapel gebedmen - clergy gebelgan - become angry gebeodan - offer, command gebeor - drinker gebeorg - protection gebeorgan - save, protect gebeorscipe - drinking party gebeotian - vow, boast geberan - bear, carry gebetan - atone for, amend gebicend - index gebicung - token, symbol gebidan - wait, experience, stay, find, obtain gebiddan - to pray gebigan - convert gebind - binding, expanse gebindan - bind gebismrian - insult, mock geblissian - rejoice gebocian - grant by charter gebod - command geboren - born gebræc - clash, crash gebregdan - drag, draw gebrengan - bring gebringan - bring, bring forth gebroþru - brothers gebryidan - seize property held improperly by another gebrytan - crush, pound gebrytnian - divide, distribute gebugan - sway, incline, submit gebur - peasant gebyrd - birth, rank gebyrdtid - time of birth gebyrdu - birth gebyrian - befit, happen gebysnian - set an example gebysnung - example gecamp - battle gecidan - quarrel gecierde - returned gecierran - turn, submit, convert, unite geclænsian - cleanse geclystre - bunch of grapes gecnawan - know gecneordlic - diligent gecneordnyss - diligence gecoplice - fittingly gecuman - come gecunnen - known how to gecunnian - explore, experience gecweden - said gecwemlice - pleasingly gecwidræden - agreement gecynd - race, nature gecyndu - race gecyrrednyss - conversion gecyþan - reveal, make known gecyþnes - testament gedælan - distribute gedafenian - befit gedal - separation gedalland - land divided into strips gedelf - digging gedeorf - toil gedihtan - compose gedon - done, do, cause, bring gedreccan - afflict gedryhtu - fortunes gedrync - drinking gedwild - error gedwimor - phantom gedwola - heresy gedwolgod - false god gedwyld - error gedyne - noise gedyre - doorpost gedyrstig - daring, bold, presumptious geeacnung - childbearing geearnung - desert, merit geeaþmedan - humble geedleanian - reward geefenlæcan - match, imitate geendebyrdan - set in order, arrange geendian - end, die gefa - foe, adversary gefadian - order, arrange gefægen - glad gefæstnian - fasten, establish gefaran - die, conquer, attack gefea - joy gefeallan - fall gefeccan - fetch gefelan - feel gefeoht - fight, fighting gefeohtan - fight gefeon - rejoice gefeonde - joyful gefera - companion geferian - carry, take geferscipe - company geflieman - put to flight geflit - dispute, contention gefon - take, capture gefremman - do, commit gefriþian - take shelter gefultumian - help gegadrian - gather gegan - conquer, cry out gegierwan - equip, gird, dress gegncwide - reply, answer gegnum - away, forwards gegrynd - plot of land gehabban - contain gehadod - ordained gehaeftan - catch gehæp - suitable gehal - uninjured, whole gehalgian - hallow, consecrate gehatan - promise gehðu - care, anxiety gehealdan - maintain gehende - near, at hand gehergian - ravage gehiegan - turn gehieran - hear, listen to, obey gehiersum - obedient gehiersumian - obey gehiersumnes - obedience gehlyd - noise gehorsian - provide with horses gehwa - everyone gehwær - everywhere gehwæþer - either, each gehwelc - each, everyone gehwierfan - turn gehygd - thought gehyrstu - ornaments geinbuan - inhabit gelæccan - seize, catch gelædan - lead, carry gelæred - learned gelæten - let gelaþian - invite geleafa - belief, faith geleaffull - pious, believing gelendan - land gelic - similar, like gelice - similarly, likewise gelice ond - as if geliclic - fitting, proper geliefan - believe, grant, allow geliefed - believing, faithful geliefedlic - permissible geliesan - loosen, release gelimp - event, emergency gelimpan - happen, occur gelimpful - fitting, convenient gelimplic - suitable, fitting gelogian - place, settle, furnish gelom - frequent gelome - often gelustfullice - gladly gemaðel - spech, talking gemægþ - ambition gemæne - common gemære - boundary gemah - depraved geman - remember gemanigfealden - multiply gemanigfieldan - multiply gemearcian - mark, define, describe gemearr - stumbling block gemetan - meet, find gemodsum - in agreement gemodsumian - agree gemodsumnes - agreement gemolsnian - moulder gemot - meeting gemunan - remember gemundbyrdan - protect gemynd - memory, thought, purpose gemynde - mindful gemyndewyrþe - worthy of mention, worth reme gemyndig - mindful genge - pevailing, appropriate geniman - take, capture genlad - estuary genyht - sufficiency genyhtsum - abundant geo - formerly geo geara - long ago geoc - help, support geocboga - yoke geoffrian - offer upsacrifice, offer geogoþ - youth geolca - milk geolorand - buckler covered with yellow linden bark geomorlic - sad, painful geomrung - grief geond - through, as far as geondan - beyond geondblawan - inspire geonddreccan - get drunk geondeardian - inhabit geondferan - traverse, surpass geondstrednes - dispersion geondstyrian - agitate geonfer - to there, thither geong - young, new, recent, fresh geonga - young man geonglic - youthful, young geonglicnes - youth geongling - youth, child geongordom - allegiance geongra - youth, disciple geongre - female attendant geonsið - death, departure georn - eager, earnest georne - eagerly geornes - desire, endeavour, zeal geornful - desirous, eager geornfulnes - zeal geornlic - desirable geornlice - zealously, carefully geornung - desire geosceaft - destiny, fate geosceaftgast - doomed spirit geotan - pour, shed, gush geotend - artery geotenlic - molten geprician - prick, sting gerad - reckoning, account, reason, wise, clever, skilf geradian - reckon with, a rrange geradlic - proper, fitting gerædan - advise, rule, read, guess, discuss, deliberate gerædend - controller, disposer gerædu - trappings, harness gerecednes - narrative gerefa - officer, bailiff, sherrif gereord - language geresp - conviction gerihtan - correct gerisenlice - honourably Germania - Germany ges - geese gesælðu - prosperity gesælig - happy, blessed gesæliglice - happily, blessedly gesamnian - collect, assemble gesceadwisnes - reason gesceawian - look at, examine, read gescieppan - create gescrepe - fit, suitable gesecan - visit, invade gesellan - give, sell gesen - intestines, entrails geseon - catch sight of, look gesetnes - decree, law, narrative gesettan - set, place, appoint, occupy gesihð - sight, vision, presence gesihþ - sight, vision, dream gestiht - dispensation, provision gestihtung - arrangement, direction gestillan - cease, stop, be still gestincan - stink gestrangian - strengthen gestreon - wealth, possession gestrienan - gain gesund - unharmed, sound, healthy gesundfull - safe and sound gesweostor - sisters gesweotolian - reveal, show geswican - cease, betray geswinc - toil, hardship gesyntu - prosperity getacnian - signify getacnung - signification getæcan - teach, show getan - destroy, kill geþafian - allow, permit geþafung - consent geþeaht - advice geþeahtere - counsellor geþeodan - translate, join geþeode - language geþeon - thrive, do geþungen - excellent, virtuous geþwærlæcan - agree, consent geþyld - patience getimbrian - build getreowan - trust getreowe - true, faithful getriewe - faithful geweald - power, control gewealdan - rule, control gewearmian - get warm gewed - madness gewendan - turn, return geweorc - fortification gewieldan - overpower, conquer gewife - fate gewile - wish gewinn - warfare, conflict gewinnan - win, gain gewissian - guide, direct gewisslic - certain, sure gewitan - depart, go gewitt - wits, intelligence gewloh - fruitful gewrecan - avenge gewrit - letter, book, writing, writ gewuna - habit, custom gewundian - wound gewunelic - customary gewunian - remain, be accustomed to, be used to gewyrcan - work, make, build, do, perfor gewyrht - deed gewyscan - wish giccan - itch gicel - icicle gicnes - itching, itch gied - song gieddung - utterance, song, poetry giefan - give giefnes - grace, pardon giefta - marriage giefu - gift, grace gieldan - pay gielp - pride, arrogance gielping - glory, boasting gielplic - boastful gierd - rod gierla - clothing giest - guest giet - yet, still, further gif - if giferness - greed gifheall - hall where gifts are made gifre - greedy gifsceatt - present gifstol - throne gift - marriage giftu - marriage gilp - dust, powder gimm - gem ginfæstan - stronghold ginian - yawn ginnes - space, interval gist - yeast, froth git - you two gladost - gladdest glæd - glad glædman - kind glædmod - cheerful glædra - gladder gleaw - prudent, wise gled - fire, coal gledd - song, poem, saying, proverb glede - glowing coal gledegesa - fiery terror glengan - adorn glitenian - glitter, shine glof - glove gneað - niggardly gnidan - rub gnorn - sad, sorrowful god - good, goodness, good thing god to etanne - good to eat God wat soðlice - God knows truly godcundnes - divinity, deity godnes - goodness, virtue godness - goodness godspell - gospel gold - gold goldæht - wealth in gold golde - marigold goldfag - shining with gold goldhord - treasure goldhroden - ornamented with gold goldhwæt - greedy for gold goldmaðm - treasure goldsele - hall where gold is distributed goldweard - keeper of gold goldwine - lord, king goldwlanc - richly adorned gos - goose grædig - greedy græg - grey grægmæl - grey coloured gram - angry, fierce grame - angrily grap - grasp, grip Grecas - Greeks grene - green greot - grit, sand gretan - greet, speak to grima - mask, helmet grimlic - fierce, blood thirsty grimman - rage grimme - savagely grin - snare grindan - grind gripe - grasp gristbitung - gnashing of teeth growan - grow grund - bottom, foundation, hell grundbuend - earth dweller grundhyrde - keeper of the abyss grymetian - roar, rage gryre - horror, terror gryrebroga - teror, horror gryrefah - spotted horror gryregeatwe - war gear gryreleoð - terrible song gryrelic - terrible gryresið - dangerous expedition guð - combat, war guðbeorn - fighting hero guðbill - sword guðbyrne - corslet guðcearu - war trouble guðcræft - art of war guðcyning - warior king guðdeað - death in battle guðfloga - winged fighter guðfrec - bold in battle guðfremmend - warrior guðgewæde - armour guðgeweorc - warlike guðhelm - helmet guðhorn - trumpet guðhreð - martial glory guðræs - onslaught guðrinc - warrior guðrof - brave in battle guðsceaða - ravaging intruder guðscearu - slaughter in battle guðsearo - armour guðsele - hall of warriors guðsweord - sword guðwerig - wounded guðwiga - warrior guðwine - weapon guma - man gumcynn - human race gumcyst - excellence gumdryhten - lord gumfeþa - troop gummann - man gumstole - throne gyden - goddess gylden - golden gyrn - sorrow habban - have hacele - cloak hacod - pike had - rank, order, sex, person hador - clearness, brightness hæðstapa - wolf, stag, heath stalker hæfen - having, owning, property hæft - bond, fetter hæftan - hold fast hæftmece - hilted sword hæftnied - subjection hæl - omen hælan - heal, cure, save hæle - hero hælend - healer, Saviour hæleþ - man, hero hælu - salvation, health hæpse - hasp, fastening hærest - autumn hæs - behest, command hæst - violence hæte - heat hæþ - heath hæþen - heathen hætu - heat hafa - have hafoc - hawk haga - hedge, enclosure, homestead hagolian - hail hal - whole hala - counsellor, afterbirth halga - saint halgian - hallow halian - heal halig - holy haligdom - holy object, relic hals - salvation halwende - useful, salutory ham - home hama - covering, dress, womb hamweard - homewards hamweorðung - ornament of a home hand - hand, side handbana - slayer by hand handcweorn - handmill handgestealla - companion handgewriþen - handwoven handsporu - claw, finger hangian - hang har - hoar, hoary has - hoarse hat - hot hatan - command, order, call hate - hotly hatian - be hot, get hot he - he, it he cwom - he came he oncneowon - they realized he wæs onfongen from - he was received by heaðofyr - cruel fire heaðubyrne - war corslet heaðufyr - cruel fire heaðugrim - fierce heaðulac - battle heaðuliðende - seafaring warrior heaðumære - famed in battle heaðureaf - war gear heaðurinc - warrior heaðurof - brave heaðusteap - towering in battle heaðutorht - clear as a battle cry heaðuwæd - armour heaðuweorc - battle deed heaðuwylm - fiece flame heafod - head heafodmæg - near bllod relation heafodmann - ruler, captain heafodweard - death watch, body guard heah - high heahcyning - high king heahfæder - patriarch heahgesceap - fate heahgestreon - rich treasure heahlufe - great love heahsele - high hall heahsetl - exalted seat heahstede - high place healærn - hall building heald - keeping, custody, guard healdan - hold, keep, preserve healf - half, side healfnacod - half naked healgamen - social enjoyment healic - exalted heall - hall heals - neck, prow healsbeag - collar, necklace healsgebedda - wife healwudu - hall woodwork hean - exalt, lowly, despised heap - heap, crowd, troop, assembly heard - hard heardecg - sharp of edge heardhicgende - brave heardost - hardest heardra - harder hearg - shrine, temple hearm - damage, harm, evil hearmscaþa - terrible enemy hearpe - harp hearpung - harping heaþudeor - bold, brave heaþuliðende - seafaring warrior heaþuræs - attack heaþusteap - towering in battle heawan - cut hebban - raise hedærn - storeroom hefelic - heavy, severe hefelþræd - thread hefen - burden hefig - heavy hefignes - weight, burden hefigtieme - burdensome hege - hedge hele - subterfuge hell - hell hellbend - bond of hell helle - hell helm - protection, defence, summit helmberend - helmeted warrior helpan - help helruna - hellish monster hemming - shoe hengen - hanging hengest - horse henn - hen heo - she heofon - heaven heofona rice - the kingdom of heaven heofone - heaven heofonlic - heavenly heofung - lamentation heofungdæg - day of mourning heolfor - blood heolstor - darkness, concealment heonan - hence heonon - hence, away heorot - hart, stag heort - stout hearted heorte - heart heoru - sword her - here, hither heræfter - after this here - raiding party, army herebroga - dread of war herebyrne - trumpet heregrima - helmet herehyþ - booty herenett - corslet herenið - warfare herepað - military road herereaf - booty hererinc - warrior heresceaft - spear heresped - success in war herestræl - arrow heresyrce - corslet heretoga - general herewæd - armour herewæsma - prowess herewic - camp herewisa - captain hergung - ravaging herian - extol, praise hetan - attack hete - hatred hetelic - hostile, malicious hetenið - hostility hetesweng - hostile blow heteþanc - hostile design hettend - enemy hi - they, them Hibernia - Ireland hider - to here hie - they, them hieg - hay hiehst - highest hiera willum - of their own accord hieran - hear hierde - shepherd hierdrædan - guardianship hierra - higher higendlice - quickly hild - war hildebill - sword hildeblac - mortally wounded hildebord - buckler hildedeor - brave hildefreca - warrior hildegeatwe - war harness hildegicel - blood dripping from a sword hildegrap - hostile grip hildeleoma - Gleam of battle hildemece - sword hildemecg - warrior hilderæs - charge hilderand - shield hilderinc - warrior hildesceorp - armour hildesetl - saddle hildestrengo - vigour for battle hildetux - tusk hildewæpen - weapon of war hildewisa - commander hildfruma - battle chief hildlatan - coward him - to him, to it, to them him gemænne - between them him gewearþ - they agreed about him ræd ruhte - it seemed advisable to him him togeanes - to meet him hindan - from behind hindema - last hinder - to behind hine - him hine gewierþ - he pleases hinfus - ready to die hira - of them hire - her, of her, to her hire þuhte - it seemed to her hired - family, household his - his, of it hit - it hiw - appearance, hue hladan - draw water, take in water, heap up hlæder - ladder hlæfdige - lady hlæst - load hlæw - mound, cairn hlaf - loaf, bread hlaford - lord hlafordleas - without a lord hleahtor - laughter hleapan - leap hleo - protection hleonian - cherish hleorban - temple hleorbolster - pillow hlið - cliff, precipice hliehhan - laugh hlifian - tower, rise high hlinian - lean hlydan - make a noise hlynn - sound, noise, din, tumult hlynnan - maje a noise hlytm - casting of lots hnægan - neigh hnag - abject, poor hnappian - doze hneaw - mean hnipian - droop hnitan - thurst, gore, butt, encounter hnutu - nut hocor - insult hoðma - darkness, grave hof - encl;osure, court, sanctuary, hall, hoof hoh - heel hold - gracious, friendly, true, loyal holinga - in vain holm - wave, sea, ocean, island holmclif - rocky shore holmwylm - billows holt - wood holtwudu - forest, grove hon - hang hond - hand hord - treasure, hoard hordburg - treasure city hordgestreon - hoarded treasure hordweard - guardian of treasure hordwelan - hoarded wealth hordweorþung - honouring by gifts hordwynn - delightful treasure hordwyrðe - woth hoarding horn - horn horngeap - broad between the gables hornreced - hall with gables hors - horse hos - escort, company hraðe - quickly hræd - swift hræding - haste hrædlice - quickly hrægl - clothing, dress hrafyll - slaughter hran - whale hraþe - quickly hream - shouting hreaw - raw hreð - victory, glory hreðer - breast, bosom hreðsigor - glorious victory hremman - hinder hremming - hindrance hreod - reed hreoh - rough hreohmod - savage, ferocious hreosan - fall hreow - penitence hreowan - grieve, rue hrepian - touch hreþerbealo - heart sorrow hrieman - shout, cry out hrinan - touch hrindan - thrust, push hrine - sense of touch hring - fetter, circle, border, cycle, ring hringboga - coiled serpent hringe - ring hringed - made of rings hringedstefna - ring prowed ship hringiren - ring mail hringmæl - sword with ring patterns hringnaca - ring prowed ship hringnett - ring mail hringsele - hall where rings are given hringweorðung - ring ornament hriþer - ox hroden - covered, adorned hrof - roof, ceiling hrofsele - roofed hall hruse - earth hrycg - back hryre - fall hu - how huð - plunder hulic - what kind of hund - hundred hundeahttig - eighty hundnigontig - ninety hundseofontig - seventy hungrig - hungry hunig - honey huru - especially, indeed hus - house husa - member of a household huxlice - ignominiously hwa - who, anyone, someone hwæðer - whether, which of two, either hwæl - whale hwæm - to whom, to what hwær - where hwæs - whose, of what hwæt - what, something, anything, lo hwæte - wheat hwæþer - whether hwæþere - however, yet hwæþre - however hwanon - whence hwata - soothsayer hwatu - omen hwealf - concave, hollow hwearf - crowd, troop, distance hwelc - which, what, what kind of, an hweol - wheel hweorfan - turn, change, move, go, depart, die hwergen - somewhere hwider - to where hwil - space, time, while hwilum - formerly hwistlung - whistling hwit - white hwite - egg white hwonan - from where hwone - whom, anyone, someone (acc) hwy - why hwylca - tumour, boil hy begaest þu þinne craeft - how do you practice your trade ? hycgan - think hyd - hide hyð - landing place, creek, port hydan - hide hyf - hive hyge - mind hygebend - heart strings hygemeðe - sad hygesorg - heart sorrow hyht - hope, trust hyldu - homage hyr - hire, wages hyran - spit hyrde - shepherd hyrian - hire hyrst - ornament, decoration hyse - young man ic - I ic getreowige on - I have faith in, trust in ic nah geweald - I cannot help it ic neom - I am not ic nyle - I don´t want to ic ondred me - I was afraid idel - idle, useless idelhende - empty-handed ides - woman, virgin, wife ieg - island iegland - island ieldan - delay ielde - people, men ieldra - older ieldran - ancestors ieldsta - eldest, oldest ieldu - age iemiðu - misery ierfenuma - heir iernan - run, flow ierre - angry ierþling - ploughman, farmer il - hedgehog ilca - same ile - sole impian - implant, graft, busy oneself with in - in, into in life - alive inaberan - bring in inbærnednes - burning, incense inbecweðan - inculcate inbelædan - lead in inbelucan - shut inberan - carry in inbestingan - penetrate inbewindan - enfold inblawan - inspire inbolgen - exasparated inboren - native, indigenous inborh - bail inbryne - conflagration inbuan - inhabit inbuend - inhabitant inburg - hall inc - you two (acc), to you two inca - question, scruple incegan - call upon incer - of you two, your incleofe - chamber, closet incniht - household servant incuð - strange incuman - come in incund - internal, secret incundnes - sincerity incyme - entrance indælan - infuse indrencan - steep, saturate indrincan - drink ineardian - inhabit infær - ingress infæreld - entrance infrod - experienced ingang - ingress, entrance ingenga - visitor ingesteald - household goods inn - in innan - within, in inne - inside inwitfeng - spiteful clutch inwitgæst - evil guest inwithrof - unfriendly roof inwitnet - net of malice inwitnið - cunning hostility inwitscear - murderous attack inwitsearo - awful intrigue inwitsorh - sorrow inwitþanc - evil thought Iotan - Jutes is - is, ice isenbyrne - iron corslet isenscur - shower of arrows isern - iron isgebind - fetters of ice isig - icy iw - yew la - lo, behold la leof - sir lac - offering, sacrifice, gift lacan - move up and down, jump, leap lað - hated, hateful, hostile laðbite - wound laðgeteona - enemy laðlic - loathly, hateful ladþeow - guide læccan - catch lædan - lead, conduct, carry, pass, do Læden - Latin læfan - lave, bequeath lænan - lend lændagas - transitory days læne - lent, temporary lær - empty læran - teach, guide læs - pasture læssa - less, smaller læst - fault, sin læt - slow lætan - let, leave lætaþ - let læte - let lætst - let lætþ - lets læwede - lay, unlearned laf - remainder, remnants lagu - lake lagucræftig - skilled in seafaring lagustræt - sea way lagustream - water, stream lamb - lamb land - land, country landbuend - inhabitant, native landfolc - people landfruma - ruler, prince landgeweorc - fortified place landleode - people of a country landwaru - inhabitants landweard - coast warden lang - long lange - long, for a long time langian - long langlice - for a long time langtwidig - lasting langung - longing lar - teaching, doctrine lareow - teacher last - sole, footprint, track, accomplishment late - late lead - lead leaf - leaf leafnesword - password leag - lye leah - wood, clearing leahtor - vice, sin, crime lean - reproach, reward, loan, blame leas - false leassceawere - spy leasung - lie leaxas - salmon lecgan - lay legerbedd - sick bed lencten - spring leng - length, height. longer lenge - belonging, related, near lengra - longer lengu - length leo - lion leod - nation, people leoð - song, poem leodbealu - calamity toa country leoðcræft - poetic art leodcyning - king leode - people, men, country leodfruma - prince leodgebyrga - lord, king leodhryre - fall of a prince leodscipe - nation, people leof - beloved, dear, sire leoflic - dear, lovable, beautiful leofost - dearest leofra - dearer leoht - light, bright, clear leohte - lightly leohtfæt - lamp leoma - ray of light, beam leoran - go leornian - learn leorningcniht - disciple, student leornung - learning leosan - lose let - let, allowed lete - let, allowed leton - let, allowed libban - live lic - body, corpse licgan - lie lichama - body, corpse lichamleas - incorporeal lichamlic - bodily, physical, carnal lician - please liciendlic - agreeable liclic - funeral licnes - likeness, similarity licpytt - grave licrest - tomb licsang - dirge licsar - wound licsyrce - corslet lictun - burial ground licwund - wound lida - sailor liðe - gentle, soft lidmann - seafarer lieg - fire, flame lif - life, existence lifbysig - struggling for life lifdagas - lifetime lifen - sustenance lifende - living liffrea - God liffruma - God lifgedal - death lifgesceaft - life's conditions liflic - living, lively lifneru - food lifwraþu - protection of life lifwynn - enjoyment of life ligdraca - fiery dragon ligegesa - flaming terror ligen - flaming liget - lightning ligetræsc - lightning ligetsleht - thunderbolt ligyð - wave of fire lihtan - relieve, alleviate, release lihtnes - brightness lim - limb, member, branch limleas - without limbs limwæde - clothing limwæstm - stature lind - lime tree lindgestealla - companion in war lindhæbbende - warrior lindplega - battle lindwiga - warrior linnan - cease from desist lissan - subdue list - cleverness, cunning loc - enclosure, bar, lock locc - lock of hair locian - look lof - praise lofdæd - praiseworthy deed lofgeorn - eager for praise lofian - praise lomb - lamb loppestre - lobster losian - be lost, perish lucan - lock, fasten, close lufian - love luftacen - love token lufu - love lungre - soon lus - louse lust - desire, pleasure lustbaere - desirable, pleasant lutan - bow, bend, stoop lutian - skulk, lurk lyft - air, climate lyftfloga - dragon lyftgeswenced - driven by the wind lyftwynn - pleasure in flying lyge - lie lyre - loss lyt - little lytel - little lyþerlic - bad, poor, mean lyþre - bad, wicked lythwon - little lytling - child lytlum - little by little ma - more macian - make maða - maggot, worm, grub maððumsigle - costly ornament maððumwela - valuables maðel - speech, talking maðelian - harangue maðelig - talkative maðelung - loquacity maðmæht - valuable thing maðmcyst - treasure chest maðmgestreon - treasure maðmhorð - treasure hord maðmhus - treasury maðmhyrde - treasurer maðþumfæt - precious vessel maðþumsweord - costly sword maðum - treasure maðwærnes - courtesy, gentleness mæd - meadow mæg - may mægð - maid, tribe, race, people, province, country mægen - strength, virtue, capacity, might, bodily strengt mægenagende - mighty mægenbyrðen - huge burden mægencræft - main force mægenellen - mighty valour mægenfultum - mighty help mægenræs - mighty onslaught mægenstrengo - great might mægenwudu - strong spear mægþ - family, tribe, nation, maiden mægwine - clansman mæl - mark, sign, time, measure, meal mælcearu - trouble of the time mælgesceaft - fate mænan - mean, signify, intend, speak of mærð - glory, fame mære - famous, great mærsian - extol, make famous mærþu - glory mæseepreost - mass priest mæsse - mass mæssepreost - clergyman, mass priest mæst - mostly, for the most part mæstling - brass maga - descendant, young man magister - teacher mago - male kinsman magoðegn - vassal magorinc - young man magu - youth man - wickedness, one manað - false oath mancynn - mankind mandæd - evil deed, sin mandream - revelry mandryhten - lord manðrymm - troop of men manðwære - gentle, kind manfordædla - evil doer manfull - wicked, evil mangere - merchant manig - many manlic - infamous, nefarious mann - man, person manna - man mannræden - allegiance mansceaða - enemy, sinner manswara - perjurer manswaru - perjury manswerian - perjure oneself manu - mane manung - admonition manweorc - crime, sin mara - greater, more, stronger marc - mark mare - monster, nightmare marma - marble martir - martyr martyr - martyr martyrung - passion masere - merchant maþm - treasure maþmfæt - precious vessel maþmgestreon - treasure mawan - mow me - to me, me me is leofre - I prefer me leofre wære - I would rather me þyncþ - it seems to me meagol - mighty, strong, firm meagollice - earnestly meagolmod - earnest meagolmodnes - earnestness meaht - might mealt - sour, malt mealtealoð - malt ale mearc - boundary, mark, limit mearcdic - boundary ditch mearcðreat - army mearcere - writer mearchof - dwelling mearcian - measure, define, mark, describe mearcland - march, moor, sea coast mearcpað - road, path mearcstapa - march haunter mearcstede - borderland mearcung - marking, branding, characteristic mearcweard - wolf mearcweg - border road mearð - marten mearg - marrow, pith mearglic - fat, marrowy mearh - horse, steed mearr - stumbling block mearu - tender, soft mearulic - delicate, luxurious meatte - mat, matress mece - sword, blade mecefisc - mullet med - reward, pay, compensation, meed medmicel - small, short medu - mead meduærn - mead hall medubence - bench in a mead hall medudream - jollity meduful - mead cup meduheall - mead hall meduseld - mead hall medustig - path to the mead hall mene - necklace, collar mengan - mix, combine menigu - multitude mennisc - human menniscnes - incarnation meodu - mead meowle - maiden, virgin, woman meox - manure mere - lake meredeor - sea animal merefara - sailor merefix - sea fish meregrota - pearl meregrund - lake bottom merehrægl - sail mereliðende - seafaring man merestræt - sea path merestrengo - strength in swimming mereswin - porpoise merewif - mermaid mergen - morning merian - purify metan - measure mete - food metod - fate, creator, God metodsceaft - decree of doom micel - great, much micel wæl geslean - do great slaughter micelnes - size, bulk micle - much miclum - greatly mid - with, by means of Mid ðy ðe - when, while mid þæm þe - when, as, since midd - middle middæg - midday middangeard - globe, earth, world middelniht - midnight mieht - might Mierce - Mercians might - mægen miht - power, strength, virtue mihtig - mighty, important mil - mile milde - merciful mildheort - merciful milgemearc - measure by miles min - of me, my, mine missenlic - various missere - half year miþan - hide mod - heart, mind, spirit modcearig - sorrowful modðracu - courage modðrea - anguish modgehygd - mind, thought modig - proud modigan - grow proud modignes - pride, arrogance modlufu - heart's affection modor - mother modrige - aunt modrof - valiant modsefa - heart, mind, spirit modseoc - sick at heart modsorg - heart sorrow modstaðol - principle, character modswið - resolute modwelig - talented modwyn - heart´s joy molde - earth, sand, dust moldhype - heap of dust moldstow - site, sepulchre moldwyrm - earthworm mon - one mona - moon monað - month monaðfylen - time of full moon monaðlic - monthly monandæg - Monday monaþ - month mor - moor, waste land morðorbealu - murder more - carrot, parsnip morgen - morning morgenceald - chill at morning morgenleoht - dawn morgenlong - lasting a morning morgenmete - morning meal morgenren - morning rain morgensweg - cry at morn morgentid - morning morhop - moor swamp morþ - crime, violent deed morþorbed - bed of death morþorhete - blood feud moru - root most - you may moste - might mot - may, must, moot, assembly, council motan - be allowed, be able to, must moton - may muðbona - devourer mundbora - protector mundgripe - hand grasp munt - mountain, hill munuc - monk munuclif - monastery murcnian - grumble murnan - mourn mus - mouse muscule - mussel muþ - mouth muþa - estuary myndgiend - one who reminds myne - memory, rememberance mynet - coin mynster - monastery mynstermann - monk mynt - intention myntere - minter, money changer mys - mice na - not, no nabban - have not naca - boat, vessel nacod - naked, nude nædre - snake, adder, serpent næfre - never nægan - approach, speak to nægel - nail næglian - nail nænig - no, none næs - not, not at all næss - cliff, headland naht - nothing nahtnes - worthlessness nam - took nama - name nan - none nawþer - neither ne - not, no ne beo ge nateshwon deade - you will not die at all ne...ne - neither...nor neah - near neaht - night nealles - not at all nean - from near by near - nearer nearolice - briefly, summarily nearora - nearer nearoþearf - dire need nearu - strait, danger, difficulty, hiding-place, narrow nearwost - nearest neat - beast, cattle neawist - neighbourhood nefa - nephew, stepson, grandson nemnan - name neodlice - carefully neorxenawang - paradise neosan - search out, find out neotan - use neoþan - from below nerian - save nicor - monster nicorhus - sea monster's dwelling nið - strife, enmity. war, attack niðdraca - hostile dragon niðsele - hall ofconflict nied - necessity, need niedbehefe - necessary niede - of necessity niedunga - of necessity niehst - nearest nieten - beast, creature nigon - nine nigonteoþa - nineteenth nigonþa - ninth nigoþa - ninth niht - night nihtbealu - destruction by night nihtgenga - night prowler nihthelm - shades of night nihtweorc - deed done at night niman - take niowul - prostrate nis - is not niþer - below, beneath niþerung - humiliation niþgeweorc - evil deed niþgrim - fierce, hostile niþor - to below niwan - newly, of late, recentlylatel niwe - fresh, new, recent non - ninth hour norð - northern norþ - northwards norþanwind - north wind norþdæl - northern part nosþyrel - nostril nosu - nose nu - now nu giet - still nyd - necessity nydebod - command nydgestealla - comrade in need nydwracu - violence nyllan - be unwilling nyten - animal nytnes - use, benefit nytt - useful, profitable oð - to, up to, until oð þæt - until oððæt - until oððe - or, and oððe...oððe - either...or oðer - one of two, second, other oðþæt - until oðwitan - blame, charge with of - from, out of, away ofdele - slope ofdrædan - dread ofdrædd - afraid ofer - bank, over, on, about ofer bæc - backwards oferhergian - ravage oferhigian - delude oferhogodnes - pride oferhygd - pride, conceit ofermægen - overpowering might ofermedu - pride ofersawan - sow over ofersittan - occupy, possess oferslege - lintel offrian - offer offrung - sacrifice, offering oflyst - entranced by ofost - haste, speed, zeal ofslean - slay, kill ofsniðan - slaughter ofsniþan - slaughter ofspring - offspring oft - often ofteon - deny, deprive of ofþyncan - displease ofþyrst - thirsty ofwundrod - astonished oht - persecution ol - grew olæcung - flattery ole - grew olon - grew omig - rusty on - on on ðæm ðe - in this on drygum - on dry land on eornost - seriously on fruman - at first on idel - in vain on morgenne - in the morning, tomorrow on slæpe - asleep on widan feore - for ever onælan - kindle, light onberan - carry off, plunder onbidan - remain, wait onbiergan - taste, eat onbuton - round about oncnawan - perceive, understand, recogni ond - and, but ondrædan - dread, fear ondrysne - terrible, feared onfon - receive, get, take onfunden - experienced ongan - approach ongean - back, again, towards, against ongietan - perceive, see onginnan - begin onhohsnian - detest onhyrian - imitate onlic - like, similar onlucan - unlock onmiddan - in the middle of onmunan - esteem, think worthy of onsacan - deny onsæc - denying onsæge - attacking onsælan - loosen onscunian - shun, hate, dread onsendan - send out onsittan - occupy onstyrian - stir, move onuppan - upon onweald - authority, power onweg - away onwendan - change, exchange, avert, amend open - open openian - open, open up openlice - openly, publicly ora - ore, bank, shore orcneas - monsters ord - point, spear, source, front, chief ordfruma - fount, source, author oreald - very old orel - robe, garment orgellice - proudly orleahtre - blameless orlege - strife, war orleghwil - war time ormæte - immense orsorg - unconcerned, not worried orþanc - mind, intelligence, cleverness, skill oþ - until oþ þæt - until oþer - one of two, something else, s oþgan - escape oþstandan - stand still oþþe...oþþe - either...or otspurnan - stumble oxa - ox pæll - silk garment panne - pan papa - pope pening - penny Peohtas - Picts place - stow plagian - play plegian - play pleoh - danger, risk, responsibility pleolic - dangerous pleon - risk plihtian - compromise plihtlic - dangerous plog - land ploughed by team of oxen in a day plot - plot of land pluccian - pluck plume - plum, plum tree plumtreow - plum tree plyccan - pluck pocc - pock, blister, pustule pol - pool port - port, harbour portcwene - prostitute portgeat - city gate portgerefa - mayor porthgeriht - town due portstræt - public road portweall - city wall post - post postol - apostle potian - push, goad pottere - potter prætt - trick, craft prættig - tricky, sly prafost - officer, provost prass - noise predicere - preacher predician - preach predicung - preaching preon - fibula, brooch preost - priest preostgesamnung - community of priests preosthad - priesthood preostlagu - canon law preostlic - canonical prica - point, spot, a while pricung - remorse profian - take for prutian - be proud prutlic - haughty prutscipe - arrogance, pride prutung - pride, arrogance pryt - pride, arrogance, haughtiness puca - goblin pudd - ditch puduc - wart pullian - pull, draw pumicstan - pumice stone pund - pound pung - purse purlamb - lamb without any blemish purpure - purple puslian - pick out putung - instigation pyff - puff of wind pyffan - puff, blow pyle - pillow pynding - dam pytan - put out eyes pytt - pit, hole, well, grave pytted - pitted, dented pyttel - hawk, kite ra - roebuck rabbian - rage raca - rake racca - ship´s rigging racenteag - chain racenteah - fetter racian - rule, govern, control raciend - speaker, orator racu - exposition, explanation, account, narrative rad - riding, journey radstefn - message delivered by rider ræcan - seize, get at, gain, reach, speak to ræcing - reaching, holding out ræd - advice, cousel, plan of action, wisdom, gain, h rædan - advise, discuss, rule, read rædbana - accessory to murder rædbora - adviser rædda - robin ræde - prepared, ready, skilled rædehere - cavalry rædels - riddle, discussion ræden - condition, terms rædere - scholar, reader, lector rædesmann - counsellor ræs - rush, leap, jump rand - border, shield randwiga - man at arms rap - rope read - red reaf - plunder, booty reafian - plunder rec - rule, government, decree reccan - rule, reck, care, tell, narrate reced - house regen - rain regnheard - very hard renian - prepare, arrange, humiliate renweard - house guardian reoc - savage reon - lament reordian - speak, feed rest - rest restan - rest, repose, lie reþe - fierce, cruel rewett - rowing rica - ruler rice - kingdom, powerful rice hæfde - ruled, was king ricetere - arrogance ricost - most powerful ricra - more powerful ricsian - rule ridan - ride ridend - rider rif - fierce riftere - reaper riht - just, right rihte - right, due, straight, fairly, well, immediately rihtwis - righteous rihtwisnes - righteousness rim - number rinan - rain rinc - man, warrior ripan - reap ripere - reaper riptima - harvest risan - rise rod - cross rof - strong, brave, noble Romane - Romans rowan - row rum - roomy, open, loose, scope, liberal, large rumheort - generous run - secret runstafas - runes runwita - adviser rynet - space sacan - quarrel sacu - strife, war, conflict, sin, lawsuit sadol - saddle sadolbeorht - with ornamented saddle sæ - sea sæbat - sea boat sæcc - strife sæcyning - sea king sæd - seed, sated sædeor - sea monster sædraca - sea dragon sægeap - spacious ship sægenga - ship sæl - time, occasion sælac - sea gift sælad - sea way sæliðend - sailor sæmann - seaman, pirate sæmra - worse, inferior sænæs - cape særinc - seaman sæsið - sea voyage sæstrand - foreshore sæt - snare sætere - robber, waylayer sætian - lie in wait for sætung - ambush, trap, snare sæweall - beach, cliff sæwealle - beach, cliff, sea shore sæweard - coast warden sæweg - path through the sea sæwiht - sea animal sæwong - beach sæwudu - vessel sæwylm - billow saga - story, narative sagol - rod, staff, club, cudgel sagu - saying, report, story sal - bond, rope, cord salletan - sing psalms salnes - silence saltere - psalter sam - whether, or sames - pain samod - too, also, together, as well sanct - saint sand - sending, mission, embassy, dish of food sandceosol - grain of sand sang - noise, song, psalm sar - pain, soreness sare - sorely sarig - sorry, painful sarigmod - dejected sarignes - sadness sarlic - grievous sarlice - grievously sawan - sow sawol - soul sawolleas - soulless scacan - shake scadu - shade scamian - be ashamed scamu - shame scarfian - scrape, shred sceadenmæl - damascened sceadu - shadow sceadugenga - wanderer in darkness sceaf - sheaf, bundle sceafmælum - in sheaves sceal - ought to, have to, must, shall sceal/scealt/sculon - be obliged to scealc - servant, retainer scealu - shell, husk sceap - sheep sceapen - of a sheep scear - ploughshare scearp - sharp sceata - angle, corner sceaþ - sheath sceatt - money, tribute sceawere - witness sceawian - observe, look at sceawung - seeing, examination, contemplation scegð - ship scenc - drink sceoh - shoe, shy sceol - squinting sceolde - should sceotan - shoot sceotend - bowman sceþþan - injure scieldan - protect scieppan - create scieran - cut scildweall - wall of shields scinan - shine scinn - spectre, illusion scip - ship sciphere - fleet scir - shire sciran - say, tell, make clear scirham - clad in bright mail scop - singer, poet Scotland - Ireland Scottas - Scots, Irish scotung - shooting, shot, missile scowyrtha - shoemaker scræf - cave scriðan - move, go, glide scrifan - prescribe, ordain, allot scrin - shrine scrincan - shrink scrud - garment, clothing scucca - demon scufan - push scurheard - made hard by blows scyld - guilt, sin, shield scyldfrecu - wicked craving scyndan - hurry, hasten scypen - cattle shed se - the, that se foresægda - the aforesaid se foresprecena - the aforesaid se halga gast - the Holy Spirit seað - hole, pit sealfian - anoint sealm - song, psalm sealt - salt sealtere - salt-maker sealtseaþ - salt spring searo - art, skill, cleverness searobend - artistic clasp searofah - variegated searogimm - curious gem searogrim - fierce searohæbbend - warrior searonet - corslet searonið - treachery searowundor - strange object searu - device searwum - skilfully seaþ - pit, well seax - knife Seaxe - Saxons secan - seek, visit, attack secg - sword secgan - say, tell secgan on - accuse of secge - speech seðan - affirm sefa - mind, spirit seft - more softly segen - conversation, speach, story segl - sail seglrad - sea segn - sign, mark, token sel - good, great, noble, sound, healthy seldan - seldom seldcuð - rare seldcuþ - rare sele - hall, house seledream - festivality seleful - hall goblet selegyst - hall guest selerædend - hall ruler selerest - rest in hall selest - best seleþegn - retainer seleweard - hall warden self - self sellan - to give, furnish, supply, betray selra - better semninga - suddenly send - gift sendan - send, despatch, throw seo - the, that (nom.s.fem.) seoc - sick, ill seofon - seven seofoþa - seventh seolcen - silken seolfor - silver seolh - seal seoloc - silk seon - see seoþan - seethe, boil setl - place to live, habitation sibæðeling - related noble sibb - kinship, peace, relationship, love, friendship sid - ample, broad, wide sið - going, motion, time, road, way, comrade siððan - since, afterwards side - amply, widely siðe - scythe siðfæt - way, journey, voyage siðfrom - ready for a journey siðian - go, depart sidrand - broad shield sidu - custom sie - am, are, is sien - are sierwan - to contrive, plot siex - six siexta - sixth siextiene - sixteen siextig - sixty sife - sieve sig - victory sige - victory sige niman - gain a victory sigedrihten - God sigeeadig - victorious sigefæst - victorious sigefolc - victorious people sigehreð - fame gained by victory sigehreðig - victorious sigehwil - hour of victory sigeleas - not victorious sigerof - victorious sigewæpen - victorious weapon sigle - necklace, collar sigor - victory sigoreadig - victorious silfren - of silver simle - always, ever sinc - treasure, riches sincfæt - precious vessel sincfag - richly adorned sincgestreon - treasure sincgifu - gift of treasure sincþego - receipt of treasure sind - are sindon - are sinfrea - overlord sinhere - huge army sinnihte - eternal night sinu - sinew siþ - journey siþfæt - journey, way siþian - journey, go siþþan - after, since, then sittan - sit, settle, stay siwian - to sew slæp - sleep slæpan - sleep slaw - slow, slothful sleac - lax, indolent slean - strike, kill, slay slecg - hammer slege - blow, killing sliðen - cruel, hard slitan - tear sloh - mire smæl - small smale - small, finely smeagan - think, examine, reflect, cons smean - think smeocan - smoke smeoru - fat smið - armourer, blacksmith, smith smyltnes - mildness snaw - snow snell - smart, ready, rapid snellic - smart, ready snican - creep sniþan - cut sniwan - snow snotor - wise snotorlic - wise, clever snude - at once snyttru - wisdom socn - seeking, question, case, cause soð - truth, justice, righteousness soðcyning - God soðe - truly soðfæst - true, honest, sincere soðlic - true, truthful, real, genuine sona - at once, immediately song - bed sorg - sorrow sorgcearig - anxious sorgian - sorrow soþ - true, truth soþlice - truly, indeed spadu - spade spannan - span sparian - spare spearwa - sparrow sped - success spell - history, story, news, message spere - spear spitu - spit spiwan - spit spot - stow spowan - succeed spræc - speech, language sprecan - speak sprengan - scatter, sow springan - spring spyrte - basket stæf - letter of the alphabet, staff stæfcræft - grammar stælan - found, confess, admit stænen - of stone stæppan - step stafas - letters, literature, writing stan - stone stanbeorg - rocky elevation stanboga - rocky arch stand - delay standan - stand stanhlið - rocky slope stapol - basis, trunk steall - position, site steap - precipitous, deep, prominent stearcheort - stout hearted stede - place stefn - voice stelan - steal stenc - smell steorra - star steort - tale stið - stiff, thick, hard, firm stiðe - very much, strongly stiðhydig - determined, resolute stiðmod - resolute, brave, firm stieran - restrain stig - narow path stigan - ascend stihtend - disposer stihtere - ruler stihtian - rule, direct, arrange stille - still, quiet, calm stilnes - stillness, quiet stingan - sting, stab, pierce stipel - steeple, tower stod - stud storm - storm stow - place, spot, site, passage stræc - severe stræl - arrow stræt - street strang - strong strea - straw stream - stream, flood, river stredan - strew, scatter, sow streng - string, cord, rope strengel - ruler strengra - stronger strengþu - strength strengu - strength stride - stride strudan - ravage, spoil strutian - stand rigid stundum - from time to time, sometimes stycce - piece style - steel stylecg - steel-edged styria - sturgeon styrian - move, rouse, agitate styrman - storm, roar, rage suð - south suðan - from the south sulh - plough sum - some sumor - summer sund - swimming sundgebland - surge sundnytt - use of swimming power sundornytt - special use sundwudu - ship sunne - sun sunu - son suþ - south suþan - from the south suþdæl - south, southern part swa - so, this, in this way, so far swa þæt - so that swæcc - taste swæs - intimate, special swæsendu - food, meal swæslic - kind, friendly swæþ - track swancor - slender, trim, supple, languishing swanrad - sea swat - sweat swatfah - bloody swaþeah - however, nevertheless swaþul - flame swatig - sweaty swatswaðu - gory track sweart - swarthy, black swebban - lull sweðrian - retire, vanish swefan - sleep, slumber swefn - dream, sleep sweg - sound, noise, tumult, harmony swelan - burn, be burnt up swelc - such swelce - likewise, as if swelce eac - moreover, also swellan - swell sweltan - die swenc - trouble, toil swencan - afflict, harass sweng - blow, stroke sweofot - sleep sweon - Swedes sweor - pillar sweora - neck sweord - sword sweordbora - sword bearer sweordfreca - warrior sweostor - sister sweotol - clear, evident sweotolung - sign swerian - swear swete - sweet swican - deceive swicdom - treachery, deceit swice - smell swicol - treacherous, deceitful swið - strong, mighty, powerful swiðe - very much swiðmod - stout hearted, brave swiðor - more violently, more fiercely swift - swift swiftu - swiftness swigian - be silent swilc - such, the same swimman - swim swin - wild boar, pig, hog swincan - toil swingan - beat, toil, labour swingel - stroke swinlic - like a pig swiþ - mighty swiþe - very, much, greatly swiþlic - very great, immense swiþor - rather, more swiþost - most, especially swiþu - whip, scourge swogan - sound, roar, howl swyðe - very much syferlice - chastely sylf - self syll - base sylla - giver symbel - feast day, holy day symbelwynn - joy of feasting synbysig - guilt hainted synderlice - separately syndrig - separate synn - sin, enmity, mischief ta - toe tacen - sign, token, miracle talu - tale tam - tame tawian - afflict tear - tear tela - well, properly telg - dye tellan - count, account tellan to nahte - count as nothing temman - tame tempel - temple teon - draw, pull, drag teona - injury, insult teonræden - humiliation teoru - tar teoþa - tenth teran - tear þa - then, when, the, those þa giet - yet, as yet þæm - to the, to those, to that þær - there þæra - of the, of those þærrihte - immediately þæs - therefore, because, of the þæs þe - after þæt - that, so that þætte - which, that, so that þan - moist þanc - thought, mind, will, grace, mercy þances - thankfully þanchycgende - thoughtful þancian - thank þanon - thence þas - this, these þe - who, which, that, when, than þeah - though þeah þe - although þearf - need þearfa - poor man, pauper þearle - severely, greatly þeaw - custom, habit þeawe - usually þegen - servant, retainer þegn - retainer, vassal, noble þegnian - serve þegnsorh - sorrow for loss of a thane þencan - think, expect þengel - prince, king þeod - people, nation þeodcyning - king þeoden - king, prince þeodgestreon - people's treasure þeodland - inhabited land, country þeodsceaða - criminal þeodþrea - general distress þeof - thief þeon - prosper þeos - this þeostru - darkness þeow - servant þeowa - servant þeowdom - service þeowian - serve þeowot - servitude þes - this þicce - thick, dense, thickly þicgan - receive, take, eat þider - whither, there, thither þin - thine, of you, your þinen - maidservant þing - thing, affair, condition þingian - beg, pray, ask, design, prescribe þis - this (neuter nom.acc.) þisne - this (acc.s.masc.) þissa - of these þisse - of this (fem), to this(fem) þisses - of this (neuter, masc.) þissum - to this (neuter, masc.), to t þolian - suffer þon - then, now, thence þonan - from there þonanweard - on the way thence þone - the, that (acc.s. masc.) þonne - then, when, than þonne .... þonne - when .... then þræd - thread þrag - time, period, while þrean - afflict þreat - press, crowd, thron, host þrece - force, violence þreoteoða - thirteenth þridda - third þrie - three þristhydig - bold þritig - thirty þroh - rancid þrowian - endure, suffer, die þrowung - suffering þryðswyð - powerful þryðum - very þryðword - lofty discourse þrymlic - magnificent þrymm - glory þu - you þu wære - you were þurh - through, by þurhfleogan - fly through þurhwunian - remain, continue þurst - thirst þus - thus þusend - thousand þwang - thong þwean - wash þweorh - bent, crooked þy - therefore, because þy ilcan dæge - on the same day þy læs þe - lest þy...þy - the...the (with comaparative) þyfel - bush þyhtig - strong þyllic - such þyncan - seem þyrel - hole þyrs - giant, demon þystro - darkness þywan - press, stab, push, oppress ticcen - kid tid - time, hour tiegan - tie tieman - bring forth tien - ten til - good tilian - strive for till - station tima - time tintreg - torture tir - fame, glory tireadig - glorious tirfæst - glorious, famous tirleas - inglorious, infamous tiþian - grant, agree to to - to to bismere - ignominiously to ðy ðæt - in order that to lafe beon - be left to scame - with ignominy to þam þæt - to the end that to þi ... þæt - to this end... that to wæpnum feng - took up arms to widan feore - for ever toberstan - burst tobrecan - break apart tobrocenlic - brittle tobrytan - crush tocyme - coming todæg - today todælan - separate, divide todæled - separate, diverse todal - separation, difference togædre - together togeanes - towards toh - tough tohlidan - split, open tol - tool tolucan - pull apart tomiddes - in the midst of torht - clearness, brightness torn - anger, grief, misery, pain torngemot - battle torr - tower tosamne - together tosomne - together toteran - tear to pieces toþ - tooth toweard - coming, future toweorpan - destroy tredan - tread treow - faith, tree treowan - believe, be confident treowcynn - kind of tree treowian - trust in treowloga - pledge breaker triewan - trust trod - track, trace trum - firm, strong trumian - grow strong trumnes - health, trust, beleif, support truwian - trust trymð - strength, support trymian - exhort, strengthen trymman - strengthen trymming - strengthening trymnes - encouragement, exhortation tucian - harass tun - enclosure, village, estate tunge - tongue tungol - star tuwa - twice twa - twice twæman - divide into two twegen - two twelf - twelve twentig - twenty tweo - doubt tweogan - doubt tweon - doubt tydred - provided with offspring tynan - hedge in, fence tyne - entrance ufan - from above uferian - delay, put off ufeweard - upper ufor - higher, further away uht - twilight, dusk uhtfloga - dragon uhthlem - crash at dawn uhtsceaða - twilight foe ultor - vulture umborwesende - pregnant unarimedlic - countless unbliðe - joyless unc - us two. to us two uncer - of us two, our uncuð - unknown, strange, unusual uncuþ - unknown under - under under bæc - behind underbaec - behind underbeginnan - undertake undercyning - tributary king underdelfan - dig under underfon - receive, take undergietan - understand undernmæl - morning time underntid - nine in the morning understandan - understand uneaþe - with difficulty unfæcne - without malice unfæge - not fated to die unfæger - ugly, loathsome unforht - unafraid, fearless unformolsnod - undecayed unfrod - young, inexperienced unfrom - inert ungeara - not long ago ungecynde - not of royal stock ungehiersum - disobedient ungelæred - uneducated ungemet - excess, immensity ungemetlic - immense ungemetlice - immensely ungesælig - unhappy, accursed ungeþwærnes - discord ungleaw - ignorant ungyfeðe - unaccorded unhælu - sickness unhalgod - unconsecrated unhiere - savage unhierlic - savage unhlitme - very unhappily unhold - hostile unleof - hated unlifigende - dead unlucan - unlock unmihtig - weak, powerless unmurnlice - without sorrowing unnytt - useless unriht - wrong, sin, vice unrihte - unjustly unrim - countless number unrime - countless unrot - sad, dejected unslaw - active unsnyttru - folly, ignorance unsofte - harshly, bitterly unstille - moving unswið - not strong unsynnig - guiltless untæle - blameless untiemende - barren untrumnes - weakness, sickness untydre - firm unwaclic - steadfast, strong unwærlice - unawares unwittig - innocent unwritere - bad scribe up - up upahefednes - arrogance upflor - upper floor uplang - upright, erect uppan - upon uppriht - upright, erect ure - our, ours us - to us, us ut - out, without, outside utan - from outside utane - from outside utanweard - external, outside ute - outside uterra - outer utfus - ready to start uþgenge - evanescent utweard - outside, striving to get out veofod - altar wa - woe, affliction, misery wac - weak, soft, feeble, frail wacian - be awake, watch wad - woad wæccende - awake, watchful wæcnan - awake, come into being waedbraec - breeches wædla - poor man wæfre - unstable, unsteady wæg - wall wægbora - child of the waves wæge - weight, scales, balance wægholm - sea wægliðend - sailor wægsweord - sword with wavy pattern wæl - slaughter wælbedd - slaughter bed wælbend - band of destruction wældeað - death in battle wældreor - blood of battle wælfæhð - deadly feud wælfag - blood stained wælfus - awaiting death wælfyr - funeral pyre wælgæst - murderous sprite wælhlem - death stroke wælhreow - cruel wælhreowlice - cruelly wælhreownes - cruelty wælnið - deadly hostility wælræs - deadly onslaught wælreaf - spoil from the slain wælrec - deadly reek wælrest - bed of slaughter wælsceaft - deadly spur wælseax - dagger wælsteng - spear shaft wælstow - battlefield wæpen - weapon wæpnedcynn - male line wær - cautious, true, correct wære - you were (s.) wæron - were wærscipe - prudence wæs - was wæstm - fruit wæstmbæru - fertility waestme - fruit, result wæter - water wæteregesa - water terror wæterscipe - piece of water wafung - display wag - wall walu - ridge, bank wana - wanting, less wang - plain, field wange - cheek wanian - diminish, lessen waroð - shore, strand wast/witon - know wat - know/knows we - we wea - woe wealc - rolling weald - forest wealdan - rule wealdend - ruler Wealh - foreigner, Welshman weall - wall weallan - boil, swarm weallclif - sea cliff weallend - foreign country weard - watching, ward weardian - watch, guard wearg - felon, criminal wearm - warm wearnian - take heed weaspell - evil tidings weaxan - grow, increase web - web, weft weccan - wake wecg - metal wedd - pledge weder - weather, air weg - way, road, path wegan - carry, support, sustain wel - well weler - lip welhwylc - each, any welig - rich, well to do welwillendnes - benevolence wen - expectation, hope wenan - think, expect wendan - turn, return, happen wene - perhaps weofod - altar weoloc - whelk weolocread - scarlet, purple weolocsciell - whelk, shellfish weorc - work, deed weorð - worth, value, amount, price weorðan - become weorðful - worthy, honourable weorðlic - important, valuable weorðmynd - honour, dignity weorpan - throw weorþ - worth, value weorþan - become, happen weorþfull - worthy weorþian - honour, worship weorþlice - splendidly weorþmynd - honour weorþnes - honour, splendour weoruld - world wepan - weep wer - man wergian - weary werian - defend werig - weary, tired, exhausted werigmod - weary werod - troop, army, force wesan - be wesende - being west - westwards westdæl - west, western part weste - waste, desolate westen - desert wic - camp, dwelling wician - camp wicing - pirate, viking wicstede - dwelling wicstow - camp wicu - week wid - wide widan - from far widcuð - widely known wide - widely wideferhð - long time, always widewe - widow wiðgripan - grapple with widscofen - scattered widwegas - distant regions wiell - spring, fountain wiellan - boil wierdan - injure, damage wierman - warm wierþe - worthy wif - woman, wife wifcynn - female line wiflufu - love for a woman wifmann - woman wig - strife, battle, war wigbealu - war bale wigbill - sword wigbord - shield wigcræft - art of war wigcræftig - strong in battle wigend - warrior wigfreca - warrior wigfruma - war chief wiggetawe - war gear wiggryre - war terror wigheafola - helmet wigheap - troop of warriors wighete - hostility wighryre - slaughter wigsigor - victory in battle wigsped - success in battle wigweorþung - idol worship wiht - creature, thing, person wilcuma - welcome, guest wildeor - wild beast wilgesiþ - willing companion willa - will, desire willan - be willing wilnian - desire, wish, want wilsið - desired journey win - wine winærn - tavern wind - wind windan - wind windel - basket windig - windy wine - friend wingeard - vineyard winnan - fight winreced - wine hall winsele - wine hall winter - winter wintersetl - winter quarters wintertid - winter-time wir - wire, metal thread wis - wise wisdom - wisdom, knowledge wise - way, matter, usage wisfæst - wise, sagacious wishycgende - wise, sagacious wisian - show wislic - wise, prudent wissung - guidance wist - sustenance wiste/wisten - knew wiste/wistest/wiston - knew wit - we two wita - councillor, advisor, prophet witan - guard, keep, look after wite - punishment, know, knows witega - prophet, sage witen - know witende - knowing wiþ - towards, with wiþ þæm þe - provided wiþersaca - adversary wiþmetennes - comparison wiþsacan - deny, renounce, refuse witnian - lament witodlice - truly, indeed wlætta - nauseating substance wlenc - pride, arrogance, glory, pomp wlencu - pride wlite - brightness, appearance, beauty, splendour wlitebeorht - beauteous wliteseon - sight, spectacle wlitig - beautiful wod - mad wodlice - madly woh - error, wrong, crooked wohbogen - bent wollenteare - streaming with tears woma - noise, tumult, howling wop - cry, weeping word - word, sentence, question wordcwide - words, speech wordgydd - dirge wordhord - treasury of words wordriht - suitable word worn - large amount woruld - world, men, eternity woruldcyning - earthly king woruldende - end of the world woruldgesælig - prosperous, happy, blessed woruldhad - secular life woruldrice - the whole world, earthly kingdom woruldsælþa - worldly prosperity woruldþeaw - worldly custom woruldþing - worldly affair wos - juice wrað - hostile, cruel wraðe - cruelly, fiercely wraðlic - grievous, severe, bitter wræc - misery, vengance wræcca - wanderer, exile wræclast - exile wræcmæcg - exile wræcsið - journey of an exile, misery wrætlic - artisitic, ornamental, wonderous, strange wrecan - avenge, utter wrecend - avenger wregan - accuse wreon - cover, wrap wridan - grove, thrive wringan - wring writan - write, pass on in writing writere - writer wrixendlice - in turn wrixlan - change, exchange, vary wrixle - alterative wudu - wood, forest, tree wudurec - smoke from a funeral pyre wudutreow - forest tree wuldor - glory Wuldorfæder - God wuldortorht - gloriously bright wuldrian - glorify wulf - wolf wulfheafedtreo - gallows wull - wool wulle - wool wund - wound, wounded wunden - twisted wundenfeax - with twisted mane wundenhals - with twisted prow wundenmæl - etched wundenstefna - ship with a curved prow wundor - wonder, miracle wundorbebod - strange order wundorlic - wonderful, remarkable wundorlice - wonderfully wundorsmiþ - skilled smith wundrian - wonder, marvel wundur - wonder wunian - dwell, live, stay, occupy, subsist wunung - dwelling wuton - let us wylfen - wolfish wynleas - joyless wynn - joy, pleasure, delight wynsum - pleasant, delightful wyrcan - do, perform, use, win, acquire wyrd - fate wyrm - worm, serpent, snake, dragon wyrmcynn - serpent kind wyrmfah - adorned with snakes wyrmhord - dragon's hoard wyrt - plant, vegetable, herb wyrtgemang - mixture of spice and herbs wyrtha - fate wyrþu - honour wyrtuma - root yð - wave, billow yðgebland - surge yðgewinn - wave strife yðlaf - sand, shore, beach yðlid - ship yfel - evil yfele - badly yfelian - grow worse yfelnes - wickedness yfelnyss - wickedness yfle - badly ylde - men yldesta - eldest, oldest yldra - older, elder ylfe - elves ylfett - swan ymb - about ymbærnan - travel around ymbe - thought, reflection ymbsittan - surround, besiege ymbsittend - neighbour ymbutan - round about yppan - bring out, open, manifest yrfan - inherit yrfelaf - bequest, inheritance yst - storm yterra - outer yþ - wave yþlad - sea voyage a - ever
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